
In a Good Way (Final) Episode 26 Recap — 19 Comments

  1. I likes this ending. Maybe even loved it, despite the bittersweetness. I was very worried that IAGW was going to end in a whimper, what with the planned movie. Although it could be argued that this ending was planned because of the movie, nevertheless it feels very organic to the story. Liu Chuan may have been a noble idiot, but whereas other male leads’ noble idiocy drives me up walls because it’s nothing that a good talk and a resolve to work together wouldn’t fix, in this case, it was clearly in Jia En’s best interest. She was so close to losing herself completely, and I would have been very disappointed in her (and the writers), because this drama isn’t about romance, it’s about individuality and freedom and growing up (i.e., what college is all about).

    I’ll be interested to see if the writers can maintain the same earnestness and message for the movie. This kind of story is so refreshing, I hope they don’t lose their original vision just to cater to audience fan service.

  2. I’ve since gotten a lot calmer than I was right after I watched the episode raw.. It’s such a bittersweet ending and I’m still left reeling with the entire episode. Not going to lie, I wanted a sunshine and fluffy kittens ending to tide us over to the movie, but I can see why the writers wrote the ending in such a way – hopeful, but not concrete, otherwise we wouldn’t have any thought provoking material for a movie.

    Open endings to me suck, but since I know the movie is coming, I for one will be in the front row and waiting to pounce on any news about the movie and will be waiting to see how the writers will thoughtfully conclude this journey (and give us our happy OTP ending please).

    Thank you Ms Koala for bringing us such awesome recaps and cast news for what is probably now one of my top favorite dramas. Please throw us any tidbits you may come across to whet our appetites while we wait for the movie.

  3. I also like the ending. It was realistic and made sense. Normally, I hate open endings but here we understand each character’s thought process and also why it drove them to a particular action.
    My favourite character is Bai Xue, she was just plain awesome!I loved how she matured and got over her heartbreak for Liu Chuan and how she was a great friend to both ren wei and jia en. This is not to say i didnt like all the other characters because i did, it just that she was the one that spoke to me personally.
    Looking forward to the movie. If they are going to start filming in August, does anyone know (roughly) when its gonna be released?

  4. Goodness, I even started crying during the BTS footage! Wow. This was a great ride and a wonderful, warm story through to the end. (I still wonder about going to see Titanic to cheer someone up–that is NEVER going to happen).

    Thank you SO much, Captain Koala. I would not have known about this show at all without you.

  5. Oh man. Your thoughts about LC leaving his most raw and true side during those heady college days?

    That made me bawl.

    This show… it’s good. It’s not the best show but it’s true, it has heart and I loved everyone. There are not many dramas where I can say I actually think each character is important to the story.

    But this drama, it has heart. Thank you for recapping it because I would remember this… it brings back such memories of when I was young. When life was full of possibilities. Where we could dream of the unknown future and dream of what it can offer.

    It makes me sound depressed which I am not, but we can’t recapture the feeling of optimism and great things coming- like we did when we were young.

  6. I kind of knew they’ll take this route for the ending since the beginning of ep 1 when JE did her narrative.

    I like the the ending knowing that there’s a movie to follow up.

    Thank Koala for the quick recap. This is my first time following a Taiwan drama live and it is painful. 6months is just too long and here I’ve been complaining about K-drama.

  7. You know you have a good drama when you can appreciate everything about it. And this is what IAGW did even to the last episode. Even if i wished for a happy ending, what they gave is still something that I can take in (probably because of the movie). JiaEn needed that separation. She’s too young to be tied up. But still, I wouldn’t blame her for not wanting to break-up. She found her great love and just wants to hold on to it. Who knows if she’ll have another chance at it again. As XW said, fate may change their path forever with this decision. I can’t fault someone who wants to hold on to something so precious in their life.

    I also understand LC’s side. He’s selfless enough to let her go and free her of the burden he’s carrying. But again he’s always been the idealistic type. Always wanting to do what is right and just even to the point of sacrificing his own happiness.

    There’s really no right and wrong decision with our OTP. It’s how they’ll live with their choices that’s important. They can only appreciate their choices after they see the results and I hope this is what the movie will dig on. Plus of course hoping for some fan-service for us who’ll definitely stick around!

    Thank you sooooooooo much ms Koala! You’ve made this IAGW ride so much fun with your recaps. So glad I jump in to this bandwagon all thanks to your blog. Hoping to read your movie recap in the future! 😀

  8. The ending was in no way cool. Feel miserable afterwards when this was suppose to be a feel good drama. This feels like LC breaking up with fans too cause were weeping like no tmr. I’m so wary of the movie version, what if they screw us over again with another twisted ending? My heart can’t take another separation then.

    Excuse me while I cry myself to sleep.

    I’ll be better tmr when I don’t think of this drama and dream of my own version of a happy ending.

  9. I was worried about the ending because of the movie but this absolutely worked for me

    I laughed in the BTS because of Kristen’s awareness to watch Lego and still be able to take the umbrella the staff member without moving

    When she teared up…aww…I hope they enjoy their break and ongoing success

  10. I don’t hate the open ending, because all I see is two people still deeply in love who need to spend their lives apart right now. Truly, madly, deeply touched by this story, even though there were a few minor writing hiccups (which I will overlook because of the splendid acting by the cast and overall cohesiveness of the story). The friendships, family and love relationships all struck a chord, because they felt so real. Watching IAGW was like living through Jia En’s growing up years. Through all the smiles, laughter and tears, I felt like I too grew up. Even if my heart did crack at the end, it felt worth it. A truly cathartic experience.

    Looking forward to the movie version, and even though it’s agonising to wait, I hope the cast and crew take time to produce a good movie. The movie shouldn’t end up being Episode 27 of the drama series, but should provide proper closure to the various story arcs of the interwoven characters. Liu Chuan’s father’s appeal proceedings, Liu Chuan’s mother’s reconciliation with her husband (I think this would be a nice touch), Bai Xue’s burgeoning feelings for Ren Wei, and of course, I think Liu Chuan’s and Jia En’s fate lines should and will surely cross again.

    Ms Koala, thanks for your wonderful recaps. To all the IAGW fans, group hug!!!

  11. To be honest I wasn’t as invested in the finale as I was with the past episodes. Guess I was unconsciously preparing myself for disappointment. Which is moot anyway since it ended true to its theme and style.

    Word on your reference to the opening and ending songs and its symbolism. It’s so fitting the way the drama stayed true to that and you’re right that on retrospect it feels more cohesive, and to me makes the drama even more meaningful.

    I like the whole drama with its flaws and characters and mostly the heart that the whole team put into it. I’ll definitely miss the whole bunch of friends, but especially Liu Chuan. And Lego Lee. He made Liu Chuan.

    I like the ending actually. Not the breakup coz I also think Jia En and Liu Chuan could work through the difficulties of long distance relationship. I want our lovebirds to not suffer through that. But I find it believable that Liu Chuan did that because he knows how important it is for Jia En to find herself and love herself for herself and not for anyone else. Yet again the drama stays true to it’s central theme of growing up.

    The ending scene leaves me hopeful for our OTP. I believe that their love will bring them together again. I’m trusting their friends to do that if they don’t 🙂

    I feel that the finale did the drama justice, quite nicely wrapped. Even if I didn’t know that there’ll be a movie, I would’ve been happy with how it ended. Who says all stories have to end with happily ever after for it to be good? When it can be hopeful, realistic, and thoughtful?

    But of course, who wouldn’t want more of RongYi cuteness?

    • Oh and thank you Ms Koala for your wonderful recaps. I enjoyed reading them. I felt like I was watching this with my good friend (especially since my sister took a hiatus to prepare for her exams).

      Thank you!

  12. Love love love it all the way! Open ending is good. Think many of us can really relate to the show & remember the experiences of our uni life. Great growing up story. Yup, easily one of the best Tdrama!

  13. Thank you for the recapping. I still have to watch about half of the episodes (time, time, time), but I kept reading your recaps and always looked forward to Friday nights for them.

    The ending seems to be just the right one for this amazing drama.

    BTW, what do you mean by “recent fantastic deeper darker drama’s”? Any tips?

  14. Do you have news about the movie? Its 2 years already and thinking about the ending still makes me bawl my eyes out!

  15. Hi the playground’s admin. Since you posted this since 2014, and one or two of your banners has the picture of this drama’s leads, I assumed you had a hard time with withdrawal from this drama too. 2016 – 2014 = 2 years? haha jk.
    It’s such a good drama that I’ve never come across such feel train ever. I love all the OSTs.
    You must spent hours on these recaps / posts and watching it.
    Thanks for these wonderful recaps. IT’s 2016 i’m late. I just watched it 3 months ago and still i can remember everything and having withdrawal issue right now.

  16. I read your recap the first time while I was watching the drama in 2014, and two years later, here I am after rewatching it. I have so many thoughts and feelings about this drama and I feel like you explained a lot of it. This was my favorite drama in 2014 and still is in 2016 going into 2017, and I think that is because of the nostalgia and characters and the setting and everything. Rewatching, I thought that the nostalgia I felt came from watching two years later, but it’s actually the nostalgia I felt coming from the characters. I felt the feelings of the characters which makes me feel like that’s why this drama is special in my heart. 🙂

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