K-couple Yoon Seung Ah and Kim Moo Yeol Tie the Knot After Doing Lovely Elle Couples Spread

I should have guessed wedding bells were not far away when Elle Korea profiled real life celebrity couple Yoon Seung Ah and Kim Moo Yeol, doing a lovely couple’s pictorial that is all sorts of envy-inducing for how the two radiated affection for each other. Their relationship has weathered the long run (four years) and the dreaded army separation, with Kim Moo Yeol enlisting shortly after they started dating. He was discharged last year on July 4th, and today on April 4th the couple tied the knot.

Kim Moo Yeol is mostly known as a critically acclaimed stage actor and movie star, he rarely does dramas, while Yoon Seung Ah is still very underrated though has a steady career with drama and movie supporting roles. I’m thrilled for the very low key couple, whose relationship famously went public in the most hilarious twitter DM fail EVER. Kim Moo Yeol’s direct message romantic tweets to Yoon Seung Ah was posted on her public timeline accidentally, and his quick attempts to delete was too late as the cat was out of the bag. Congrats to the happy couple!


K-couple Yoon Seung Ah and Kim Moo Yeol Tie the Knot After Doing Lovely Elle Couples Spread — 14 Comments

  1. They’re adorable. I never thought that drunk tweet was an accident, lol. I always felt that it might have been done on purpose to get around they’re agencies demands but it makes for a very cute story. I liked Yoon Seung Ah instantly in Playful Kiss but in every other drama I’ve seen of her I’ve always found her green though charming. On the other hand he is fantastic in all of his movie roles. Any ways congrats to these two adorable love birds.

  2. I almost thought it’s Hyun Bin/Robin in the 2nd picture.. LOL

    Congrats for the happy couple! I’m familiar with Yoon Seung Ah through all her drama roles, but don’t recollect Kim Moo Yeol in anything… Anyway they’re so cute together!

    • He was in Iljimae. Two of his movies are The War of The Arrows and The Muse. Both well worth watching, though the latter is 18+.

    • *goes back to check*


      OMG You’re right… Now it looks like SulWoon alternaship from TMETS actually happened. Hihihi

  3. Our sincerest Best Wishes and Congratulations to the newly wed couple. Praying for you lasting, fruitful and successful marriage!

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