
We Got Married Couple Kim So Yeon and Kwak Si Yang Do Romantic Pictorial for Cosmopolitan Korea — 15 Comments

  1. Sorry the pairing doesn’t work for me. Despite the 7 years age differnce, it just seems more for some reason. Reminds me of a puma and her prey. Just sayin’

  2. I caught some of their earlier episodes and she seems like a complete heodang. :’D SiYang keeps on ending up saving her from common appliances. She seems so shy and timid, but maybe they’ve become more comfortable with each other?

    • Right!!!? Yeah its almost like she’s trying to act like “damsel in distress” for him … It comes out awkward because I use to seeing a very strong,”I know what I want” kind of a woman. Saw the 1st ep than went back later to see how it had progress and…. Hasn’t change. I can’t understand how a woman of 35 can act that way. Oh well

  3. accd to my friends who watches WGM, they are actually nice to watch. the 3 couples currently on WGM are actually doing well. i watch but only the segment of Sungjae and Joy coz despite being scripted, they’re nice to watch. plus they’re more like on the dating stage and so sweet. Sungjae is naughty funny in WGM.

  4. I think the aged gap 7 for nothing Kim So Yeon so young and beautiful and innocent .Kwak Si Yang who mature enough and the way he take care of his wife perfect I love them . Fighting !

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