
Fashion Goes Playful as Does the Prize at the 2017 C-star Awards — 18 Comments

  1. All of their hands look so weird when holding those things, like photoshopped.

    C actresses should stop getting plastic surgery. Man, all look like a same mannequin. Its like there is no natural beauty left. Utter eye sore.

    • The plastic surgery thing can be said for many Asian entertainment industries. It’s not only actresses either. If you find it an eye sore, perhaps don’t click on this article? Or don’t visit this blog since Koala posts these asian entertainment-related things?

    • The pictures where they are holding fish and veggies are photoshopped. Lol! Can’t u tell? I thought for sure someone who saw through to the plastic surgery would be able to tell those photos were altered. Lmao!

      • Proves why many people cannot tell who is plastic and not plastic, the photoshop skills are way too good! if you want to know what is accurate then go watch people in movie action.

  2. @koala I don’t think the picture with ZLY’s long hair is from this awards…she has really short hair now and even at this award show lol

  3. Am confused, you mean the actors and actresses holding something is not real. But it seems Koalas article didn’t mention that it’s not real. Hmmm

    • I think somebody photoshopped the pictures, replacing the original trophy that they’re holding with something else. I saw on youtube, the original award looks like a small trophy.

  4. That is indeed photoshop haha @koala I think you need to step back from k-dramas a bit and do better research on latest news on chinese ent to be fair XD

  5. The pictures are photoshopped. It was a joke among fans online. Also the picture of Li Yi Feng and Zhao Liying holding hands is from last year’s Tencent Awards.

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