
The Premiere Weekend Promising Ratings for Twenty Five, Twenty One and Forecasting Love and Weather Portends Well for Nam Joo Hyuk and Song Kang in Delivering a Win — 28 Comments

  1. Both NJH and SK started of as male leads opposite KSH in two of the most heated love triangles in kdrama history. School 2015 and Love Alarm had a strong reaction for ending up with the ‘wrong guy’ both times. Lol

    Its nice to see both actors grow in their acting since then and it would be wonderful to see KSH reunite with both of them in the future maybe even in the same project. Happy to see both dramas are well received and bringing in ratings.

      • yes all of them are thriving except her. delusional fan of KSH, shes becoming irrelevant you know hahah

      • @joane oh sod off lmao
        KSH literally had two dramas last year (with one drama having to be re-shot) 1 MV, and several photoshoots, of course she would want to rest lol I would too if I were her. It’s her choice to rest for now, doesn’t mean she’s irrelevant, with her IG followers increasing consistently even without any airing drama. Your irrelevant fave can’t relate lmao
        Also, you’ve been exposed as the troll you are, insulting the actress you claim to love lmao I’m surprised you still have the nerve to comment here how embarrassing you are ?

      • uhh bestie.. not you acting like she didn’t just had two drama last year lol how is that irrelevant ?

  2. I didn’t find them specially good, neither bad. The both dramas rested on their FL for me. I didn’t really care about their characters.

    • Imagine being KTR and PMY and being the main reason people tune in, and then bloggers give credit to your less established, less charismatic male leads.

      • exactly lol these two are critically panned for their acting (NJH less so) while PMY, even though she’s not known as the best actress around, is at least famous for being chemistry queen and KTR is literally an award winning top actress lol everyone knows the majority are watching for the two ladies who are definitely more talented than their leading men lol I can’t with this post ?

      • You’re right. In my opinion I’m only liking NJH in the drama, but that’s my opinion. 2521 is really popular and if you go to twitter KTR is viral everywhere. Plus Just check racoi ranking of actors: 1st KTR 2nd PMY 3rd SK 4th NJH. It’s the actresses…

    • At least NJH is willing to improve in acting unlike SK who’s still so bad & wooden in acting even after taking on several lead roles.

  3. Kim Tae Ri is carrying the TFTO drama in those 2 eps. She’s superb. Hopefully NJH will get his chance to shine in the next eps, but we’ll see. Forecasting seems to be interesting but not because of SK or PMY, it could have been any other actor/actress lol – the backstory about weather forecasts made it interesting for me. I’ll be watching both dramas but I’m most invested in KTR’s character in TFTO.

  4. The real ratings contest begins when Through the Darkness and Tracer returns. Not sure about the KBS drama if it’s going to return. If it does it’s a sageuk and had 10% ratings.

  5. kim tae ri acting was so over the top in the 1st two episodes. she was annoying
    super annoying. while Park min (not so) young looked like a grandma in her bed scenes with song kang,

  6. So the 20s top actors Troica are definitely park bogum (without a doubt the most successful), nam joohyuk and song Kang (both are more popular overseas I guess).I really thought last year that Jang kiyoung will be one of this toica , unfortunately didn’t happen
    … hopefully after the military

    • The 20s actor troika are definitely Park Bo Gum, D.O. and Yeo Jin Goo. Song Kang and Nam Joo Hyuk are weak actors. They are just the current flavors of the season.

      • I think it’s just Park Bo Gum, although D.O is on the way to the top if he acts in more dramas. Yeo Jin Goo is more of a critically-acclaimed actor rather than a popular one with big fanbase. He has the talent but lacks the visuals and stan attractor factor that makes a top hallyu actor.

  7. just recently discovered this blog and have only read some posts but wow that joane is something else lol why is she commenting negatively on every actresses? even the most beautiful ones like pmy, shk, ksh, etc aren’t safe from her insults lol has she praised anyone yet? just curious
    btw i’m loving 25 21 so far, ktr is great and for me her portrayal is accurate based on my experience. will watch the pmy and sk drama when i find the time

    • I totally agree… so harsh. I also really think it’s out dated and damaging thinking to suggest any woman over 25 looks essentially like a grandma. I think PMY looks great.

  8. Lol koala keeps singing praises for the two MLs as if they’re the gift of heaven to kdramaland… when in fact they’re both mediocre at best ? Ratings prove the quality of the drama eh? Where were you when other dramas like HTCCC had high ratings? Oh wait—yeah commenting about the FL’s bags and posting random “k-ent critic said this and that” blergh GIRL just own your biases you’re making me laugh ? I CAN’T with your irrational love for NJH srsly ‘tis too much. I mean he is pretty, but doll you know his dick ain’t gold.

  9. This is such a sexist post. As if the success of these dramas isn’t down to the female leads! I bet if both dramas had flopped in the ratings, this post would be quick to blame the actresses.

  10. Female leads are carrying 70% and 90% of the dramas (25, 21 & Forecasting Love and Weather respectively) ….give credit where its due.

  11. Nah, both actors need to prove they can act and carry dramas on their own. Both 2521 and Forecasting Love are 95% hard-carried by the female leads’ star power. There is truly a lack of impactful 20-something actors. Only Park Bo Gum comes to mind, although D.O is on his way there.

    • Lee Do Hyun(95′) is by far the best out of all the 2O-something actors imo…Lee Jae Wook(98′) and Kwak Dong Yeon(97′) are other gems.
      Park Bo Gum and Do Kyungsoo are turning 30 next year.

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