Zhao Lu Si Criticized for Overly Girly Voice in The Last Immortal and Resurrects Netizens Complains About Yu Shi Xin Doing the Same in Many Dramas

So the two ladies can make this an actual concept haha, lean into girls! Sadly it’s a pretty polarizing flavor, and I don’t mean love it or hate it its more like accept it or hate it. The only people I can imagine loving an actress with an excessive girly (aegyo in Korean or in Chinese it’s called pinched voice) way of speaking drama dialogue is maybe dudes who want a waifu and stan anime heroines I dunno. Otherwise it’s like going to a cosplay convention where the girl aspect is super heightened when she speaks and even in the right character it can be too much, such as Yu Shi Xin in Love Between Devil and Fairy when she was a dim sweet fairy in the beginning or Zhao Lu Si in The Last Immortal when she’s a just born spirit animal goddess. Yu Shu Xin survived Devil and Fairy because the drama was great people just put up with it and then she showed that she can speak normally in My Journey to Love with her soft but firm and great enunciation speaking voice. Zhao Lu Si is getting criticized for her pinched voice and mumbly enunciation in The Last Immortal right now but I think it’ll blow over.
But I thought Chinese dramas use voice actors?
@ Zhao Ling
Not all actors & actresses use voice actors in their dramas – sometimes they use their own voices. It also depends on the projects.
Annoying they have to speak like a child. I can’t take dramas seriously when they act too cute. It’s nauseating really. I really liked ZLS in LLTG so I’m disappointed.
She had to portray four stages of her different incarnations, so I don’t know how one could just criticize her for using a baby voice for 10 episodes as a hatchling. Between episodes 10 to 20, she had a teenage voice. After 20, she had a ghost-weary voice. And then, at the last stage, she had her Fengyin Phoenix Empress Voice. And I would imagine, even if they had used a voice actress, the actress would have done the same thing. And then you would have criticized the voice actress.
If you want to critique that, she sometimes swallow her words, then I would agree, but she has certainly improved since her first dramas.
Use an actual baby to portray a baby maybe? Or use a teen to portray a teen?? That makes a lot more sense.
Use a baby to act as a magical baby hatchling who can speak?!!!! With LuSi lip-synching? How old do you want this working baby to be? Three years-old okay with you?
Yup, that makes better sense. You got something going there!
Ever seen Family Guy? It made sense in cartoons, could make perfect sense in God/Goddess worlds too, both worlds are fictional afterall. LOL
I did find ZLS voice in LLTG too high pitched and distracting. Perhaps she was going for the young girl voice but I thought her voice is we rule the world was great.
Because we rule the world wasnt her own voice?
Oh that wasn’t her voice??
I watched 3 eps, fast forwarded most of the time, and decided to drop the drama.
Neither ZLS’ voice nor enunciation bothered me. Her enunciations are way better than many other actors who had never been mocked for their lousy lines, e.g., Bai Jingting. I literally had to read each subtitle when BJT spoke but I did not for Lusi’s lines. What annoyed me about this drama is the ML instead. Wang Ang Yu doesn’t have right visuals or height for his divine status in the plot, nor his acting is appealing. Overall, WAY is pretty bland compared to average MLs in other Xianxia dramas. I feel that he’s a miscast. The 2nd ML is even more eye catching and had stronger presence for just a brief slot of screen time.
Since I’ve found more and more impressive supporting actors than leading actors in C dramas, I can’t help wondering what C casting directors have been up to!? Some boring actors have continued to get lead role after lead role in prominent projects while others with greater acting talent are ignored.
Agree with you on WAY’s acting. But his portrayal seemed to be better as he got more powerful. I won’t make a final assessment until after Ep 20 when he reveals the true god status.
There are quite a few better looking actors who have been always in supporting roles but can act. C production teams and directors should give these more talented actors opportunities. For example, Alen fang. Even the 2nd ML in this drama and Chang Hua Sen (LSS’ disciple in A Journey to Love) have more appeal than WAY as a lead.
@Somebody eh I like Alen Fang but he’s too old for this role.
I agree that he was miscast but the good thing is he get better has the story progress or this project will not be watchable at all,lusi is heavy carrying the show, n honestly with the contest that she is using this voices, it doesn’t bother me at all.
I understand what you mean but if you watch more further into every episode you will see how he develops and I think her carries it well. I am currently in ep 8 and I can see his growth and potential.
Wait until you see in Episode 10 when he actually speaks authoritatively :).
Well usually the one that got big projects has good backing 🙁
YSX’s voice is really annoying only because it’s like she’s purposely doing it. Such a grown woman. She recently was in the news for the same reason on a reality show and the veteran’s were all looking at her like what is wrong w/ this woman. I can’t Stan her fakeness( that’s how I see anyway); hence, not and has never finish any of her drama because of it. She obviously has many fans who loves it, just not I.
I think it’s unfair to call her voice fake. She’s been very consistent with her voice and it’s always been high-pitched. Even when contestants call her on the phone without her knowing she’s on a game show, she still speaks with a high pitched baby voice. That’s just her. I’ve been following her since Youth With You and her voice has always been like that. You can say you don’t like her voice, which is cool. But to say she’s fake is offensive.
It’s a fake voice.
There are a couple of videos with her real voice out there and it’s a normal, mature female voice. What she uses is an affectation. It’s fake.
@Coralie, I still remember her entrance in YWY2, and my initial impression was like wth is wrong with this girl…. but as I watched on, I realized she’s just really a loud goofball. I like how wacky and unapologetically herself she was. I remember she was actually the one who told Kong Xueer to stop being so self conscious about her image, and letting yourself fully go for a performance. She’s over the top, but I don’t really think she’s fake. Over the top is literally her personality.
Although, I will say, every time they got up close to her face in MJTY, I seriously was expecting her to start cackling in her loud signature laugh.
@Soph Agreed! I also thought this girl was just way too dramatic and she’s trying to hard, only to figure out that that’s really just her lol. She’s so ditzy in a collected way that I lurv her. Plus I adore her voice. Despite what everyone says about it, I think it adds to her adorable quirky charm. It’s rare to find an actress who can enunciate so well, even when she’s talking fast. Her diction is clear, even her voice is high pitched.
@Nah Nope. What you guys see as her “real” voice is actually her deliberately dropping several octaves of her real voice down lol. It’s called voice control, lots of actresses do this, e.g. Charmaine Sheh. Her initial debut, people said she had a chicken voice – tiny, high pitched and unconvincing. With lots of practice, she eventually got her voice to be more somber, but that’s not naturally how her voice was.
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Idk how true it is but I read somewhere that Esther does voice acting for animes and dramas. And she used normal voice for MJTY. So my overall impression is that she uses that voice as her trademark or professional branding. Once I get pass that, I do find her a rather charming and expressive actress. Still, I need to keep a finger on the volume, in case she gets really high pitched 😂
I do find esther yu quite charming in that she is unapologetically herself. I don’t find her cuteness annoying at all and she pulls off badass assassin just as well! She seems to be well liked in the industry and has lots of friends.
@K Esther does a lot of professional voice dubbing and can adjust her voice for different roles. However, her actual real voice is high-pitched. She has to deliberately lower her voice a few octaves to get the result in MJTY. It’s not how she sounds IRL in a casual environment at all
@Coralie That’s interesting bits to know.
I can emphasize as I have high-pitch voice, even at an ahjumma age, I sound like a kid, lol.
@K, hearing myself, I always thought I sounded quite mature till I started recording voicemail…then I realised I still sound like a very young. Not high pitched but very youthful. I had to ask my family if I really sound like so, hey said yes and “why? You didn’t know?”
I learnt what others hear and what I thought I know is different…
Lu Su, I believe have a high pitch voice too, I have heard a great number of her off screen voice.
@K and @HL Same! My voice is also naturally high-pitched, but weirdly low. So I come off as either annoying, inaudible or immature. It’s why I can empathize with Esther’s situation.
Girly voice or not, if audience wants artiste to stop using Professional subbers, this is the results. I recently finished watching Love me, Love my voice. The drama really shows how voice actors can really help lift a show. I am getting very annoyed at having to pause and read subtitles because many new artiste are just not able to speak clearly. Goodness, having to read Chinese subs just because I cannot hear what the artiste is saying is super annoying.
Some of the artiste only voice can also form such distractions to the flow of the drama because they do not capture the speed, emotions of the character. Many young artiste are already struggling to act in person, forget about using their own voice.
I use to watch a drama on clear screen with no problems. Now, I need subs turned on. Watching on big telly is fine but one a smaller screen, that is so different.
Either train these artistes properly or use trained voice actors. Since all Chinese dramas add the voice/noise effects after filming. I rather that is done well…at least with a well trained voice artistes, they can help bring to life the characters which the young actors cannot do properly….
I couldn’t finish Hidden Love because her acting and voice were so cringey during the high school portion. She was acting and speaking like a 5-year-old despite the character being 16-17. I guess I won’t be checking this out then lol.
This is complete bullshit in the beginning of drama she was a new born, she had just hatched but if you pay attention later in the drama as her character develops so does her voice.