
LOVE Releases Full Trailer for a Valentine Premiere — 10 Comments

  1. i’m hoping this would be decent at least condisering that i love most of the actors here. it’s just that there are too many romcoms out there. but i’ll still see it anyway xD
    Ethan <3 !!!! waaahhh!!!

  2. This looks good! And everyone looks so pretteh. ^_^ I can’t wait to see Mark on-screen again, I think I’m feeling a Black&White rewatch coming up.

  3. Looks like I’ve seen this movie a few times already. Rom-coms aren’t original anymore.

    I’m really liking the song that starts at 1:31 -: “I love you. You love him/her. He/She loves him/her ..”

  4. Waah, why aren’t Mark Chao and Ivy Chen together? That would blow my socks off. I think you can tell I’m in the middle of watching Black and White ;P

    • Why isn’t Eddie Peng and Ivy Chen together? (Or maybe they are? From what I gathered from the trailer…Eddie Peng and Amber Guo are dating but Ivy Chen is friend of Amber and the third wheel who got pregnant by Eddie.) They are the cutest couple in 聽說/Hear Me!

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