
Angry Mom Holds Girl Power Focused Press Conference and Premieres Wednesday — 7 Comments

  1. I’m so here for this drama: it has womance + mother/daughter relationship AND single mom and bullying stigma. I just hope the scriptwriter nails the concept!

  2. I can’t wait for this drama!!!
    Kim Hee Sun and Kim Yoo Jung look adorable together! I love all the girl power.
    Ji Hyun Woo oppa♥

  3. I am looking forward to Kim Heesun and Kim YuJung mother-daughter relationship but i don’t like Ji hyun woo since Queen Inhyun man. It’s just my personal taste though >_<

  4. That dress on Kim Yoo Jung is not very flattering,you have to be flat and extremely skinny to wear something like that. She is such a gorgeous girl but it makes her look rather frumpy. Kim Hee Sun’s outfit should have been left in the 90’s, but she somehow manages to pull it off. Oh Yoon Ah looks great.

  5. The first thought upon seeing the press con photos, “Ah! It seems the focus would be mainly on the female relationships.” And I’m quite onboard with that. By the way, Kim Hee Sun and Kim Yoo Jung are really “The Perfect Visual Mother-Daughter duo.” By the way, here is the longer preview….

  6. Kim hee sun looks totally fabulous. Does she even age!

    I’m jumping ship from HJM this looks fun!!
    Ok who am I kidding…I’m not in korea so I can watch both! Ha!

    Then again HJM makes me wanna tear my hair out…grrrrr… If not for hyun bin

  7. Hearteu hearteu

    I actually like KHS’s outfit here. She looks like slightly out-of-date HS jjang (though still fab). It matches her character in the drama. 🙂

    And I love her posse! I still think of her as the wrestler awesome roommie in Protect The Boss. Bullies, beware! Mom has awesome backup!

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