
Unfortunate Makeup Turns Nam Gyu Ri Into a Wax Doll at Drama Press Conference — 11 Comments

  1. She looks beautiful. Just need to contour and add blush. She one of many actresses that I hope r successful this year. She is good at acting and I did like her in 49 days. Hope this turns out good.

  2. You’re being really nice by calling this a simple makeup mishap.

    Also, when will k-actresses realize that this “dewy” look just makes them look like they need to have their face wiped off with a towel, not like they’re any younger than their actual age? LOL

  3. She looks like a porcelain doll. A bit scary but very beautiful at the same time. I love her in 49 days too.. It’s been so long since i saw her in a drama

  4. Pingback:Nam Gyu Ri Plastic Surgery | Plastic Surgery Has Ruined Nam Gyu-Ri’S Face? How Did This Happen And Let’S Look At The Details 4161 투표 이 답변 -

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