Young Romance Drama Hidden Love with Chen Zhe Yuan and Zhao Lu Si Wrap Short and Sweet 25-episode Run
C-drama Hidden Love kicked off the summer C-drama season and just wrapped it’s 25-episode run this week on Youku. Aside from early controversy around the female lead being too young for the male lead when she was played by a child actress developing the crush, the drama starring Zhao Lu Si and Chen Zhe Yuan got going when the two leads met up when she was in college and the romance could believably happen. Looking at the online reviews, buzz, and feedback for the second half of the drama it appears viewers enjoyed the sweet romance, not too much conflict, and strong chemistry between the two leads.

Drama is almost accurate to the novel. The child actress for the FL is really pretty with good acting and nice feels with the older bro actors.
I love this show,from beginning still the end it put a smile on my face, there r times I laughed, I cried, I giggled ,. This is not some epic love story with ground breaking plot or epic moment show,it just a simple sweet first love story with touches of comedy n it delivered absolutely that. Base on that scale,I rate it a 95-100%. Based on adaptation of the book , this is a total 100% for me. I know the beginning could have been handled better but it doesn’t take away the purposes or feelings the show wanted to impact to the audience,just a very sweet feel good romance comedy comfort drama.
Surprisly, I didn’t like it so much. But I loved When I Fly Toward You by the same novel writer.
I too enjoyed When I Fly Towards You more. I thought the drama adaptation was better than the book and the director’s touch was excellent. Hidden love was okay but I felt it wasnt as good as the novel.
I have to also say I enjoyed When I Fly Toward You more as well. Zaizai and Rangrang are so cute!
The first half of the drama is better than the other half but I still loved it, it’s a light lovely drama.
I bet all pedophiles excuse themselves by ardently believing that 12 year olds have a crush on them and this is a show to prove them right. I mean, I think this is a well filmed show with good actors, but they still picked a very young girl (albeit very talented one) to play the 14 year old developing the crush on the elder guy that constantly refers to himself as her “gege”, and lovely Lusi played the 17 year old in the fashion of a 12 year old Lolita. So I really have mixed feelings about this, although as I said Lusi is adorable as always and the ML is a very handsome young man that I would very eagerly watch in a volume drama, he seems like someone who would be perfect in a wig.
After watching it, I can tell that he did not think about her that way. He liked her as a cute kiddo, his best friend’s sister,nothing more till university.
As for her crush..well, that’s the kind of crush underage girls would feel for an idol’s group members like BTS.
When she got older, she thought it over.
I have an older brother. I remember clearly when I had a crush on one of his friend when I was still a little girl. Just to see him or thinking about him made me happy. It was great.
Of course, crushes like that are normal, and there was nothing inappropriate in the way Jiaxu treated Sang Zhi while she was underage, but still, I feel the show gives the wrong messages to the wrong people (not referring to normal people like us!). Also, I think a show romanticing the crush of a child for an older man can be potentially dangerous for little girls watching it, in a grooming sort of way. Not all the friends of all big brothers in this world would be as kind and righteous as Jiaxu in this drama… I personally have a very good friend who started going out with a friend of her brother’s when she was 14 and he was 22, to her it felt like the love of her life, while he was just having fun with her. So maybe I am influenced by her experience, I just think telling young girls that crushing on adult men is fine, because when they get older these men will prove to be their partners for life is just dangerous.
I’m happy with the drama adaptation.
The 7-year age gap in the book was made 5 years in the drama to reduce raised eyebrows, I think. Overall, pretty cute drama.
I started to watching it bc everyone was so heads over it, and I’m in for a chill slice of life, but literally nothing happens??? I had to drop it
the show casually entered top 10 netflix in many country. It is popular among sea country too
Hidden Love isn’t for everyone. School drama usually isn’t up my alley. I watched it as a filler waiting for the dramas of my favorite genre to air. I have put HL to the back burner since the premiere of The Longest Promise. The OTP in HL has amazing chemistry that’s sweet but not cringe worthy. I enjoy watching them together on the screen. But that’s it. The plot of this type of romance drama is nothing much more than that as expected. That’s why I can watch it as a filler but never invest much in it.