Zhao Lu Si’s Agency Desperately Trying to Confirm Liu Yu Ning for C-drama Pearl Curtain Jade Curtain as Her Own Fandom Tries to Tank the Casting

This is a form of self-sabotage so bad it might set a new standard for self-absorbed cluelessness. I’m talking about C-actress Zhao Lu Si‘s fandom, and I really love this actress but her die-hard fandom is toxic and woefully self-congratulating. She finished filming xianxia drama The Last Immortal earlier this year and for the last 6 months has been waiting for filming to start of Tang dynasty drama Pearl Curtain Jade Curtain. It’s a female lead centric drama and one that her agency was so please to land for her, and to date there has been about 8 different male lead actors in talks opposite her but none have been confirmed. The most recent and very serious talks have been with Liu Yu Ning, who is on par with Zhao Lu Si and would reunite a popular secondary OTP from The Long Ballad. Sadly her fandom has consumed self-important pills and have vowed to go dark on supporting her and issued long treatises vowing to boycott the drama and claiming all sorts of harm happening to Zhao Lu Si around this drama taking so long to land a male lead and also that the male lead might be Liu Yu Ning. Her agency is freaking out because it WANTS Liu Yu Ning, a great male lead to get for this drama and now his agency is having second thoughts about this casting when it was a done deal but a week ago. Stay tuned, this is like a slo-mo train wreck that could still be averted.
If her fans did this on their own accord and not under ZLS team’s orders, then they’ve overstepped their boundaries. Previously rumours were flying around about ZLS’s long break period since her last drama, some said it’s due to her agency deliberately declining external projects, some said it’s due to PS, etc etc. But there’s also one rumour saying that there is difficulty getting actors willing to be her 2nd billing male lead.
ZLS is not at ZLY’s stage yet where many established male actors will be willing to be her 2nd billing male lead. If ZLS wants to be 1st billing female lead, she has to pair up with either nugu actors or actors who haven’t had a breakout role. LYN is already more than good enough to be her 2nd billing male lead.
Liu Yuning is already starring with established actresses like Liu Tao and Liu Shishi now. He’s surpassed playing ZLS’s supporting man. As far as liuliang status is concerned, they’re on par with each other.
Sounds like she has outgrown her fandom, If she wants to become a serious actress its time to shut it down with them and tell them she does not appreciate immature behavior. If not then this is going to be the height of her career. Might as well work with unknown actors who don’t mind her toxic fans,
Why not get newer actors like Deng Wei? Or Jianci or Wan Yi?
Why so desperate for Liu Yu Ning? Nothing against him but they should give a chance to other upcoming actors.
Oh please, those 3 already did Lost You Forever and gained fame plus recognition, even Deng Wei has secured his first leading ML role in Sendai Tree after he gained a few million new fans as the breakout hit ML of 2023. Tan Jianci was already famous from Under The Skin which was the 2nd most watched drama in 2022, more than LLTG, why does he need to play 2nd fiddle to Lusi? Same goes for Zhang Wanyi who broke out in Age of Awakening and is touted as the best actor of his age group, he is currently doing 1st billed roles opposite prettier actresses like Wang Churan who are happy to play 2nd fiddle. They were willing to do it for Yangzi who is one if the top liuliangs and a much better actress (you may disagree but Lusi is regarded as a meh actress due to her 瞪眼 and exaggerated expressions and Yangzi has a much beefier resume even as a child actor plus great voice acting) but none of them are willing to act in a drama as Zhao Lusi’s stooge. The problem Lusi faces is that she can’t find MLs easily these days, in her last drama Jing Boran quit after 1 week of filming because he realised the plot was focused on the FL and it was equal billing, which he didn’t agree to. Wang Anyu who is pretty nugu took over and was happy to let Lusi have 1st billing and major plot time. Lusi’s new drama has 3 MLs who revolve around her, but they may not get much individual screentime or plotline so male actors won’t do it unless it benefits them. In Lost You Forever all 3 MLs gained endorsements, fame, millions of new fans, or has individual highlight reels of their acting scenes such that even the least known actor Deng Wei has upgraded to 1st ML status. In LLTG Leo Wu was first billed but has very little screentime, the other 2 MLs didn’t get much out of LLTG and have continued acting as 2nd or 3rd MLs because they don’t have enough fans. Even Leo Wu didn’t get much despite selling the WLKT CP a lot and it was Zhao Lusi who benefited most individually; contrastingly Yang Zi didn’t favour any ML’s CP from LYF and all 4 of them promoted the show together so they all benefited but Yangzi got the least since her fandom is already massive. Point being Yangzi is known to help her MLs get famous even if it’s at her expense, Deng Lun/Leo Luo/Li Xian/LYF MLs all benefited so male actors all want to work with her. Lusi doesn’t really have this ability to help actors get famous yet, plus her fans are very toxic to the ML (they falsified data from Leo Wu during LLTG) so male actors aren’t as keen to work with her.
She should look for Ao Ruipeng or something. He’s known but not famous.
I kinda agree with you regarding screen time. I think Yang Zi and her agency are perhaps very professional with this matter. I’m fed up with female-centric dramas even I like LLTG way more than any other female-centric dramas. I found most female-centric dramas pretty boring. Perhaps Zhao Liying is the only exception among all the actresses. I don’t mind watching her every minute from the start to the end of a drama series even though I’m not her fan. LOL. For other actresses, e.g., Yang Mi, Yang Zi, Raba, and etc., I just hate to see they dominate screen most of the time. That opposite sex attracts really makes sense to me. I usually check out a C drama depending on whether I like the ML or not.
That being said, LYN isn’t up my alley. Therefore I understand why ZLS’ fans also dislike him to be her ML. But can C fans just get over toxicity to meddle in celebrities’ career and personal life? Just don’t watch the drama if they don’t like it. Nosey fans are most obnoxious.
@Somebody You are basically saying that women hate women because most of the cyberbullying on Chinese social networks comes from women’s accounts. They have internal misogyny to the point of calling actresses who said they were interested in a female-centric drama selfish lol. So the patriarchy thing is bullshit. We already see that it’s women who are unwilling to support other women and justify themselves by saying that the opposite sex attracts.
@ Anon Oh please stop talking has if Yang zi is the only actress who elevate her male leads, has far has I know most of the know popular actress elevate their male leads who r not popular exception is when the male lead is already popular or popular from BL drama. U talk has if u know everything is c ent but u actually also believe in false informations, such a shame.
@Men Rights. Excuse me! I have no interest in feminism or misogyny that both are extreme concepts to me. I was just talking about how a drama could be more interesting to viewers. And I personally think a lot of female-centric dramas are boring due to imbalance of character focus.
How’s that not supporting women? LOL. I wish these dominant actresses could be more successful. But in reality female-centric dramas are overdone and have lost interest to many viewers, me included. Like it or not, you can’t force the majority of ppl with mainstream ideas about gender relationship to accept extreme ideology like feminism or misogyny. That’s why female-centric overkill has been turning drama fans away. LOL. I hope you get the point correctly.
@ somebody at ur point that a female centric drama r mostly boring could be up for debate. Suppose female centric drama does not have a good plot or production of cause it going to be boring, so is the same thing has a male lead drama, I will say the same thing the if a female centric drama has good plot and production, it turn out very well, so is the same thing for a male lead drams. So I won’t put it out there that female centric drama there out to be boring, there r factors that will make it so n they r factors too that will make a female drama great. It unfortunately that majority of fans are female so it favor the male stars than the female stars to the point that they cyberbully them, a female just like them ,all because they fantasize about the male stars to themselves or jealousy. Such a damned shame the way women go against their follow women in this world. In c ent I see mostly the female leads who elevate the male leads exception r the Bl dramas, if the female star want female centric dramas at certain point of their career, I say they should go for it, I fully support them on this. U say female story are overdone, I say male stories r way overdone n most people will agree with me on this.There is always going to be imbalance because all things r not equal so I wouldn’t associate imbalance for making a boring female lead drama. Has I said before I lot of factors come to play to say a show is boring or great, it doesn’t necessarily needs to be a female lead drama or a male lead drama.
@Somebody feminism, if you are a woman, allows you to vote, study, have a career and employment. Does what you have seem extreme to you? Lol.
@Somebody Imbalance of character focus? It’s funny to read your comment because male-centric dramas also suffer from this but you guys don’t complain. Sexism and misogyny in Chinese entertainment is enormous. Actors in the lead role can negotiate their screen time, even suggest changes to their character like Chen Kun in The Rise Of Phoenixes and Luo Yunxi in Till The End Of The Moon, such changes made the writing of the respective females leads inconsistent (compared to the original play). Actresses can’t negotiate their screen time without people calling them selfish or saying they will make the plot boring. Educate yourself.
@Somebody a drama is technically interesting to viewers when it has a good plot and good characters, how does it affect the quality if a woman dominates the screen? using your logic, i could write that it’s boring that men dominate the screen, right? or you don’t have a problem with it because you consider men superior? your sexism is exposed, you don’t have to pretend.
@Somebody I disagree with you, your view is biased based on the male gaze you have.
There are double standards in Chinese Entertainment, for example, people have a greater tolerance for annoying male characters. People will point out when an actress is not pretty (Ren Min is the most recent case) but will pretend that beauty is subjective only when it comes to an actor (Ren Jialun in The Blue Whisper). @Somebody you have a lot to consider and learn… It’s difficult to be a woman in Chinese entertainment but you are here suffering because women appear more on screen. If the drama is called the Legend of Anle, don’t expect the male lead to be the one the “legend” is about lol.
Geeeezz! I did not expect a pile-on over me against expressing my own preference of drama. LOL. OK, I forgot feminists have been prevalent and overly vocal in the West. I’m not interested in debating any social causes on this site. I’m here only to get something entertaining and relevant to drama production. Obviously, my personal preference of how a drama could pique my and many others’ interest ticked off feminists visiting the site. LOL. I didn’t even bother to skim a barrage of the rants. The moral preach is all predictably boring as radical feminism always does. Your biased argument fails to convince me. I stand by my points: C-ent female-centric dramas are overdone and gradually turning stale. They are running out of fresh ideas. If an actress doesn’t have unique charisma on screen like Zhao Liying or Zhao Lusi, then it’s really hard for a female viewer like me to glue to the computer screen throughout 45 minutes/ep and 35-40 eps just to be convinced how capable, how brilliant, how strong a heroine is and how she can outsmart and beat ALL male characters around her. There are some exceptionally interesting female-centric stories to tell but too much hyperbolically powerful heroine’s stories inundating Cdrama production is absolutely overkill, comically unrealistic that will eventually get ordinary viewers brain fog and fatigue. LOL.
You feminists detest misogynists. Equally a lot of ppl are fed up with blatant promotion of radical feminism in every corner of the society including entertainment sector that doesn’t do any good to the real world.
If one hopes to see a strong and interesting leading female character, why must she be in a female-centric drama? Why must an A-list actress only take female-centric dramas to prove her acting chops and popularity? Many C dramas recycled the stereotype of super-duper heroines in female-centric dramas and all the male actors just faded into non-factors in the plot development. How boring it is!!!! I saw this similar pattern in the dramas of almost all the A-list C actresses. And how ridiculous for a production team to have hard time finding costars just to prop up a FL.
I would like to see FLs have strong chemistry with costars, in particular their leading men. But chemistry was mostly missing in those female-centric dramas I gave a shot to watch. Not a fan of any particular C actresses, why should I bother to check out their dramas if there’s a lot of disappointment in these types of female-centric stories already? It’s not like I have so much time to goof around.
@Somebody just say that it hurts you to see a woman stand out and that’s it. you don’t have to try to entangle us with your false discourse about equality on screen when clearly there are few useful female characters in c-ent compared to the hundreds of male characters being well-written. your points lack objectivity.
@Antonio No, hahaha. None of the movies you mentioned promote disdain towards men. In fact in Barbie, we can see that a society completely dominated by women is bad, because men suffer. Feminism doesn’t mean misandry, it’s just an excuse you found for the movement to be antagonized. You complain about misandry, have you ever raised your voice against misogyny?
@somebody so you hate seeing women without men? lol, kinda sexist. female-centrics dramas are popular in china tho.
@mia, where did you get the idea it hurts for me to see women stand out. LOL. I’m getting the impression that you feminists have been brainwashed to decry anyone who doesn’t hail your aggressive ideology to the sun. The fact is a lot more accomplished ppl (men and women included) in this world don’t believe in feminism (specifically radical feminism). Talking about accomplishment, I’m not shy of recommending myself in my profession. LOL. So why the heck would I be bitter about women standing out? LMAO.
Stop twisting my words and overgeneralizing my personal preference about how dramas would be more interesting to general viewers to everything else. This is why I don’t usually have high regards for social cause advocates (feminists included) who have no real life but actually big losers in the real world. You close-rank feminists just proved my believe on this site. Thanks! LOL
BTW, to all feminism advocates! Just get you proper education needed for useful degrees timely, get credentials required for your professions, get jobs, work hard, respect others at your work place (specifically don’t be jealous of those male coworkers who may be more competent than you and don’t hate your bosses thinking they’re definitely sexists cos you had trouble getting good appraisal from them to get promotion LOL), and stop wasting time getting emo and sensitive if ppl don’t give a sh*t to the social agenda that feminists have been desperately promoting! GET YOUR JOBS DONE PROFESSIONALLLY both at home and at work (yes PROFESSIONALLY at home too)! Then you’ll certainly be respected by men and women alike at workplace, in your profession, and at home as well. Attacking me for my own drama preference doesn’t help promoting your and women’s social status/influence AT ALL. Talk trash less on SM and be a valuable person to your family and society!
Stop debating with me! I’m not interested in exchanges with shit. Outside my busy work life, my precious time is dedicated to my family. I cherish my limited time off getting entertained by drama and related blogs. I’ll keep away from irrelevant cyber garbage!
@Somebody What you suggest will not make women be respected and valued because there are certainly sexist and misogynistic people. Or you can try telling that to those who live in the Middle East.
Do your male co-workers do the job better than you?
@Somebody seems to have very old-fashioned views. How is feminism an extreme concept when true feminism calls for EQUAL RIGHTS for both women AND men? lol. I’d say that’s currently “mainstream” thinking in developed countries among the under 50 crowd.
Feminism isn’t just about men and women it’s about ALL identities having representation, rights and a voice. It’s about creating a world that is equal and equitable where nobody is oppressed for being who they are and hate crimes do not exist. It’s about social justice and having more Women centric drama and more LGBTQI characters appear on screen as leads with a proper plot and development instead of being plot device is essential to representation. This comment is for everyone in this thread who are perpetuating internalized misogyny or just being a troll.
Right? I always laugh at these women who insult feminism because they don’t even realize they wouldn’t be able to spout their pick-me-girl b*llsh*t without feminism making it possible for women to state their opinions freely lmao. Without feminism, these pick-me girls would just be at home, being miserable, they wouldn’t be able to drive, get education, and even open a bank account. They would just be male property and they wouldn’t be able to go here on this blog because only males would be allowed to state their opinions lmao. Guess these pick-me women would rather go back to that period where they have no choice but to marry some violent, unattractive man and just be a yes-girl robot who aren’t allowed opinions and desires of their own. They can marry Andrew Tate if that’s what they want 😂
Just to be clear, I have no problem with women choosing to be housewives, only with women who insult feminism and act as if they would be have many options in the first place without feminism lol
@Somebody Nah, people hate feminism because they don’t want to see women as full human beings. They are happy seeing women as second class citizens because they believe women are not capable of anything. Ironically the people who say feminism is extreme are the same people who remain silent in the face of sexism and misogyny. Nice standard, isn’t it?
Feminism means misandry. If you don’t understand it, you deserve Barbie, She Hulk or Sex and The City
@Antonio if you are bothered by misandry, i guess you are also bothered by Andrew Tate (for example) and his misogynistic content that has millions of followers? or are you just pretending that feminism is misandry to justify your misogyny? lmao.
@Somebody Male fades. A BIG LOL. Most female characters in C-dramas are childish, silly, weak…. How are men disadvantaged in the face of sexist tropes for women in the industry? The tag “smart/strong female lead” is popular because the audience is tired of seeing women being useless. What exactly are you complaining about? Before you throw a tantrum about your freedom of speech, consider activating your freedom of thought first, so you can avoid writing incoherent ramblings.
Give me examples of C female-centric dramas that have equivalently artistic values as K female-centric dramas such as Anna, The Glory, and Extraordinary Attorney Woo the like, then I would consider you arrogant brats not too dim-witted to have legit reasons defending ill-written, cheesy, all predictable C-ent female-centric plots that are boring snoozefest crap! LOL
Use your brain first before verbally assaulting me! Delirious!
@Somebody The best way to tell if someone is sexist is to mention feminism to them and you’ll see how upset they get (you have). You say you don’t have time for discussions but look how you love to write crap lmao. You won first place in idiocy.
It’s funny that you mention that feminism is not necessary when without it, you today would be living like the women in the Middle East are living. Or do you think they deserve it for not acting PROFESSIONALLY? Lol, you pick-me.
@Somebody You are wrong to say that feminism has no impact on the world. Feminism succeeded in inserting women into the economy, education and politics. Without feminism, women today would have no acomplishements. That you are bothered by extreme feminists who contribute nothing is valid, but to say that the whole movement as such does not help women is illogical. Extreme feminism does not compare to the power that misogyny has.
@Somebody please, don’t be close-minded. women also fade away in male-centered dramas. the worst part is the terrible writing for them. see? at least male characters are written with more complexity. that makes a huge difference and impact.
C dramas are mostly (I’d say over 90%) ill written, be it female-centric or male-centric. But C female-centric dramas are particularly worse, jerry-built products full of hyperbolically unrealistic plots, exaggerating women’s power in a way lacking imagination and falling short of creativity with pretty cheaply recycled material that guarantees drowse inducing. LOL. This pattern of production of the Chinese female-centric dramas isn’t a way to promote female values and enhance women’s rights and social status. To the opposite, women are conveniently reduced to unrealistically super-duper smarty-pants in the form of lazy scriptwriting recycling same tropes over and over again. Feminists want to have real impacts on women’s power and cultural influence in the real world? Then tell C writers to be more creative in coming up with impactful storylines that are reflection worthy instead of continuing to dump boring stuff in front of audience.
@Somebody China is not interested in promoting what you mention for women (not long ago they mentioned considering going back to traditional households). The last female-centric drama I saw and considered useful (the plot is slow though) was The Magical Women (with Qin Lan) but it went almost unnoticed.
@Somebody While super-duper female leads are unrealistic and one-dimensional, female leads that are damsels in distress have no realism either, and viewers rarely question why this trope is still popular but they sure will make a fuss when there’s a Mary Sue. It’s like it bothers them to see a super-duper woman more than a useless woman. It’s sad and I think it’s because consciously or unconsciously women are still seen as beings with limited capacity only for motherhood and being housewives. China’s female-centric dramas present female characters as human beings who are seeking freedom but ironically end up depending on someone else in a pathetic way.
@Julianna, if what you said about China is true, then it just confirmed my assessment of C female-centric dramas that’re not impactful at all and have almost zero values, either artistically or socially. I’m critical of C female-centric dramas about how those dramas were badly written, not thought provoking, but with empty messages and unrealistic storylines just to pamper dim-witted radical feminists who have no idea how to practically promote women’s status and influence. LOL.
@Not your average user, you raised a legit question. I’ll rephrase your question: Why are only super-duper or airheaded damsels-in-distress female characters prevalent in Cdrama scriptwriting? C dramas including female-centric plots lack creative ideas; thought provoking writing is prolly not welcome by C drama reviewers and censorship. Since the OP was talking about female-centric dramas, therefore I’m critical of Chinese female-centric dramas in particular here. In fact, I’m critical of almost all the C drama writing lacking creativity and therefore, pretty boring across the board. But a cohort of feminism emos got all worked up and started piling on me cos I might have hurt their feelings by not appreciating unrealistic super women. LOL. Should I tell them how I appreciate female-centric K dramas to boost up their mood? Or these feminists are unrealistically wishing their social agenda would be hailed to the moon to prove how impactful their belief is on everyone and every corner? LOL. So self-absorbed ! Feminists’ loud voice everywhere only make them feel unrealistically good about themselves rather than making positive and marked impact on the society and human beings, dramaland included.
@Somebody Extreme feminists believe that a Mary Sue is a good move to end damsels in distress. But they fail to grasp that two types of characters who promote nothing cannot produce a positive impact for women. There is no complexity, no realism. All that’s left over are patterns shared by shounen protagonists (anime consumers are also tired of unrealistic male characters, so I don’t understand how your stance is sexist).
Extreme feminism has only turned what was initially a useful movement for women’s freedom into a ridiculousness that gets rejection.
Yingluo from Story Of Yanxi Palace is one of the few female characters in C-dramas who has good writing, but she won’t have a long-term impact because she’s in a drama that consists of fighting with other women.
A Dream Of Splendor should have been the pioneer in good female-centric C-dramas because the source material is inspiring, but the production failed to adapt it.
@Somebody I forgot to write that China can possibly only offer good productions (both series and movies) when it comes to novel adaptations (The Untamed, Bad Kids, Mysterious Lotus Casebook, Story Of Minglan, Better Days, Nirvana In Fire, Meet Yourself, The Long Day). It is evident that they lack creativity for original scripts. Although in the movies they do it better but unfortunately they fall into political propaganda.
In the female-centric C-dramas, they tried to create versions of Katniss Everdeen but we already see that they failed at that haha.
@somebody i guess you also dislike unrealistic male characters. the kind that are extremely handsome, attractive, intelligent, cunning, wise, strong, master any art and discipline, are terribly morally correct, luck is always in their favor, unrivaled, flawless in all means. lol. they are a big no for me.
@Somebody Hi. I understand your frustration but female-centric dramas have no obligation to help folks recognize the value and importance of women in society. We are already advanced and evolved enough to continue to hold sexist thoughts. Folks are sexist because they want to be. They choose to be disgusting. Female-centric dramas will not magically make them give up their discriminatory and prejudiced ideas. It will help create better female characters but that’s all. Still, thanks for being the only user in this comment section who cares about good representation of women in entertainment.
@mil, yeah, you’re right about my personal taste. How many perfect prince-on-white-horse-coming-to-rescue CEO dramas had hypnotized me throughout most of the eps? LOL. So none of those mini dramas or romance dramas uploaded by several C drama streaming sites (Tencent, iQiyi, and Youku etc) has ever piqued my interest to check it out at all. I did try but dang everything was boring as heck as I had predicted. LOL
@Dayanara, yes, showbiz has no obligation to educate viewers. It’s just like any other business that’s profit oriented. I had no intention to bring up any social causes in the discussion since as I said, I’m here for entertainment not to be on any moral high horse. I ridiculed those who started a pile-on over me to exactly tell them to get off their high horse. This isn’t a blog to debate right wing or left wing. I only have qualms about how boring those C female-centric dramas are cos of lacking creativity and artistic subtlety.
I’d like to give two examples for making my points. I’ve recently just wrapped up K dramas, Extraordinary Attorney Woo and Anna. I’m fascinated by the storylines that both are female-centric. The heroines were both well presented in the dramas, who had totally opposite characters, specifically Anna that’s thought provoking through lens of a smart con artist! Also male costars in each series did not fade into non-factors, be they were protagonists or antagonists. Both actresses did impressive jobs portraying the heroines and I’m mesmerized by their acting that speaks a lot of sympathy and empathy of underprivileged and weak population in the society. I have NEVER EVER watched an equivalent Chinese production of similar quality in writing full of compassion and humanity. Another interesting K female-centric drama is the hit drama The Glory. I have yet to watch this one since I expected the plot to be more dramatic and energy consuming. I’m not mentally ready for that yet due to busy daily schedules. LOL
@Somebody Thanks for your reply.
I agree with you, but I was curious about this: “I’m here for entertainment, not to get on any moral high horse.”
If it were for mere entertainment, you genuinely wouldn’t care if a show has artistic and thought provoking value. You yourself mentioned that you liked Anna and Extraordinary Attorney Woo because the writing is full of compassion and humanity and the performances of the actresses speaks of sympathy and empathy. You’re clearly considering the morals here. And there’s nothing wrong with doing so. In fact, it’s a good way to invest our time. I wouldn’t like to relax by watching content without substance.
We should encourage folks to get on authentic high horses instead of pretending concern to generate attacks like the radical feminists above, so the discussions can be healthy and enriching. They misinterpreted your comment to make propaganda for the movement that they have ruined.
There are no Chinese productions with the quality you are looking for unfortunately but, Marvelous Women and Wild Bloom made a difference.
China has a long way to go to produce GOOD content. That’s why I’ve cut back on the number of C-dramas I consume.
I’m currently watching Shards of Her (Taiwan), it’s a good female-centered psychodrama. But it can be depressing.
@Somebody I think you should check out Imperfect Victim starring Zhou Xun. I’m on episode 14 of 29 and so far it’s good.
@K, I heard some fans raving about Imperfect Victim. I’ll give a shot. Thanks.
@Dayanara, Agreed. Artistic values are already associated with some sorta moral judgment. I disapprove of those aggressive commenters accusing me of misogyny and launching a pile-on over me not bcos I’m against the context of feminism but the arrogant attitude these ppl have is quite obnoxiously confrontational. I’m not sure if all the feminists are that aggressive. But these ppl seem to have the same pattern of arrogance and aggression as toxic Asian drama fans in their wording attacking ppl with opinions they don’t like. It might have nothing much to do with what they believe, but more to do with their own upbringing. LOL
Anyway nobody can control their fans. It’s not as if ZLS is paying people to be her fans. So that’s how it goes. I am more keen to know who are the other 8 guys considered to be her co star.
By the way what’s this script about?
To ZLS and her team, you reap what you sow. Though I’m sure everything will work out peachy in the end because never under estimate the amount of money she will throw to media-play her way to the top.
And stop trying to extract her from toxic fans. Her fandom is inextricably tied to her team and easily manipulated. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was just another attempt at generating interest for the drama.
Her toxic fans lol, we get that u r not a fan of her but let not pretend has if c ent fans r not already toxic in nature by the way they handle their entertainment industry and the actors. Lol never under estimate the amount of money she will throw to media play her way to the top, such a hypocrisy statement to put out here, when a certain actresses who actually have the money do this she is praised n respected, but a middle class actress who has worked her way from smaller projects to bigger projects that has gotten her way to the top for her to have the income,that suppose income u talked about making it sound like a bad thing.oh let me had, of course everything will work out in the end because she works hard just like every actor and actress in c ent, they deserve it. Learn how to put ur words @Anon for u do not know everything in c ent, ur comments comes with a dislike to a particular actress,since u comment on every post about her. I have a feeling u put out certain comment here for the readers here to dislike ZLS,the way u seem to prefer certain actresses than her that the way we perfer her to certain actresses too. We will not all view things the same way,learn to see that.
@Anon We get it, you hate ZLS. She’s still making $$$ and getting roles though, not ranting continuously online or being useless to the industry.
Chinese fans just have issues. I haven’t heard a celebrity in this industry who has a scandal free career. I’m not blaming the celebs (those who are not proven guilty by court) at this point, I’m blaming the fans. Period.
I can’t wait for the government to mute her tonic fan’s acct. lol
Lol, the Gov need all these distraction from all the problems they have to deal with. Using top billing artistes as distraction is not the first nor the last. They will only clamp down when it suits them.
Pingback:Zhao Lu Si’s Agency Desperately Trying to Confirm Liu Yu Ning for C-drama Pearl Curtain Jade Curtain as Her Own Fandom Tries to Tank the Casting – RockBadminton
Are they actually fans? That is my question because to me they sound crazy and delusional.
I don’t understand why they’re gunning so hard for LYN, especially considering that he’s only an okay ML and they’ve partnered up before. I don’t think I’ve seen ZLS select a repeated ML?
And most MLs that she’s partnered up with before got a lot out of her, e.g. Ryan Ding and raised their profiles. I would argue LYN also benefitted from their partnership.
She rightfully deserves 1st billing and arguably more than ZLY, as ZLS has been prolific at creating top ratings even when she’s not 1st billing. On the other hand, ZLS has been flopping and inconsistent with her dramas, so it’s hard to say whether she deserves her status today.
Idc what ppl say. Hoping for a good drama& good acting with these two!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻😊🩷
Should it really matter who her male lead is as long as he elevates the project? Fame and reputation matter of course but if he is a good actor then he will stand out.
I love most of Zhao LuSi’s dramas. May this weird (totally incomprehensible to me) problem end soon and she find the best ML to work with for this drama. I wish her every success.
Dang, I hope LYN moves on from this project. At least with Liu Shi Shi’s fans, they wanted only top billing and nothing wrong with that, but to boycott an actor from not acting LOL.
Is Lusi really finding hard to get popular actors working with her? Just reminded me, I think Zheng Shuang had the same problem at the later part of her career isn’t it?
Oh really? Hmm
I read this casting was officially announced ans shooting starts on the 21st of November. Habemus Papam.