
2012 Year End Drama Reviews: Something Fun for Everyone — 82 Comments

  1. Ms. Koala, i’ve watched all the K-drama u menti0ned including 0ne T-drama Skip beat bcoz of Siw0n, h0w is it that i miss the one u regard the m0st! Answer Me 1997! How is that p0ssible? With me watching king of drama, CA, school 2013 and missing u..m n0t sure when can i start watching it..keep it in my watchlist then thats f0r sure.

  2. ms.koala, I think you should watch Ojakgyo Brothers, Joo Won was amazing in it. Gaksital was a really good drama too, but OB really did it for me, it turned me into a fan. There was oozing chemistry between all the couples, especially Joo Won and UEE!! you should give Joo Won a chance lol he is one of the best actors I’ve witnessed in the drama scene of all time. xD

  3. I think the only drama I really liked liked this years is TK2H. Answer Me 1997 did nothing for me. SUFBB did nothing for me. Gakistal was just… a mixed bad. The endless torture scenes and the really bland romance just bored me. PKW was the only thing worthwhile. And I like JW from Ojakgyo Brothers and he was good here, but the story was so blah. It felt like the drama survived on national pride only. QIHM I liked, but I immediately forgot about it. Currently I’m enjoying KoD, but I know I’ll forget about it once it’s finished. CDDA has potential to leave a mark, but it has a bit to go. Kind of disappointing year really.

  4. Regarding Nice Guy, at first I was like you and thought Jae Gil and Choco were just superfluous side characters that had no function. That seemed apparent in the first few episode where Jae Gil was painted as more as a reckless playboy friend and Choco as the whiny sister. But then as the series progressed and they dropped the Jae Gil girlfriend vs. Choco storyline, I found them to be absolutely integral to the story, particularly Maru’s character. IMO, they were basically the very reason Maru hadn’t entirely gone over to the dark side. Jae Gil became the supportive friend trying to steer Maru away from trouble and expressed to Maru how much he cares for him. Choco was the sister that also cared very much for Maru and also feared Maru going over to the dark side. I think had Maru not have these two people in his life, he would have lost whatever humanity he had left a long time ago.

  5. for me can we get married is my addiction along with CDDA. These two drama rocks my world. Off course watching a drama include personal opinion. But in my eyes CWGM will get better as the series proggress and u will learn alot about relationship.
    I just in the mood for rom com that have character I can relate to, has substance and there is a layer within a character and felt refreshing watching them
    thanks God, this year they gave me this 2 drama,since I haven’t click with rom com genre this year before CDDA and CWGM come along. actually I’m rom com is the genre I start epproaching kdrama after all.
    Thanks koala for your review.

    My personal bias is absolutely Nice GUy. I have no idea why i can relate in this melodrama and cried along with the character. Regarding choco and Jae Gil, I share the same opinion with @lol. I need this two people, Jae Gil and Choco, because this 2 is the only people who are always in Maru’s side, no matter how much people screw our hero. when almost all character seems trust a mask Ma Ru with a mask an always hide his true self, this two always makes me assure there is some people who won’t turn their back leaving MR and always support him. When JG try to cheered Choco that MR almost went dark, JG write: “MR will come back to us again”, I cried. Because of them MR still has a reason to kept alive. That’s a reason I felt dissapoint in the end the writers+director not presenting their meeting or at least has connection after 7 years pass.
    shut up flower boy band will work for you if u are such a sucker a journey with some awsome bromance relationship potrayal.

  6. I’m currently into Jdramas. Since you mentioned them, here’s my 2012 drama list….

    Rich Man Poor Woman was refreshing. Loved it.

    Priceless—pick it back up.

    Dr X is coool. Season 2 please!

    Ooku: Arikoto Iemitsu Hen is one of the BEST love stories. OMG. It resonates with the soul it’s so good.

    Kekkon Shinai is so heartwarming and down to earth, I cannot stop watching….

    Beautiful Rain….very nice family drama.

    I am so loving the C-drama Drama Go Go Go and thank the subbing team for picking up its pace. Love you!

    What a nice write up so I will not rant re NG’s high rating by you. 🙂

    • This year I watched more J-doramas than K-dramas. They just stay with me more…I liked Kekkon’s feel. Need to pick it up back again.

      • What are you watching or have watched may I ask?

        I found Strawberry Night to be good as a crime procedural. Love seeing a woman in charge who does not whine or sound like a child even though it appears that she was raped as a teen.

    • Rich Man Poor Woman was the only Japanese drama I watched this year, and surprisingly the best drama I watched this year. I know it’s a good story when I can still be satisfied when their is a dearth of pervy. Coming in a close second is Taiwanese drama In Time with You.

  7. Looking back at the dramas this year I’ve come to the conclusion that I appreciate layered and fully-fleshed out characters a lot more, even if the plot goes cray cray on me. K2H and RMPW were my 2012 favourites – not the best but my heart belonged to those lovely characters and still does. <3

    As for the currently airing shows I'm thoroughly enjoying KoD and a very dorama-esque School 2013. It's quite dark and reminds me of NwP. No comments yet on Alice. Time, be my friend?!

    This year I discovered a lot of actors: Oguri Shun, Lee Seung-gi, Eita (NOBODY could have played a better Hiroki than him in Soredemo Ikite Yuku!), Ryu Deok-hwan, and Erika Toda (in the Keizoku 2: SPEC series…I WANT to grow up to be Toma-chan!!!)

    Thanks for the lovely read, Ms. K!!

    • oh, and whenever anybody waxes poetic abt ILICDD I feel only a few have been chosen to enjoy & relish that show. WAEEEEEEE?! *sulks in corner*

      • I don’t know if this will help anyone here, but I’m watching ILICDD on PPS, an iPad app which streams dramas and has Chinese subs. I know that’s not as good as having English subs, but maybe someone here really, really wants to watch ILICDD and can read Chinese?

    • Oooh, I love Eita and booked marked Soredemo on aznv.

      Erika Toda love here….Saw her in SPEC, Liar Game and Kagi no Kakatta Heya.

  8. Always looking forward to you year end reviews…
    Thanks Koala, I check out your blog almost everyday since LTM days.
    This year, my favorite is TK2H hands down amongst all the drama 2011 and 2012 combined… cos I don’t watch that many dramas.
    But for 2012, I love Answer me 1997, had a good dose of affection for RMPW and I actually finished Skip Beat, which was draggy, but Ivy Chen and Choi Si Won were quite good in their roles.
    Am sitting on the fence on whether to drop Missing You… But will definitely check out I Live in Cheongdamdong.

  9. Awww…I really liked A Gentleman’s Dignity. It was older for an older generation than me but I love Jang Dong Gun who I had never seen in anything before and I really like Kim Ha Neul I have started to watch her in other things.

    I couldn’t get into Big, the young kid in an older man’s body weirded me out and I LOVE Gong Yoo…maybe I will watch it when I have a chance, especially since I actually quite like Suzy.

    Also, I can’t stand the older actress-younger actor thing, so I stayed away from many of those series this year, including King 2 Hearts, I will try to pick it up again later since I love Lee Seung Gi. I watched bits of Moon that Embraces the Sun, but like you said Han Ga In can’t act…even though I love Kim Soo Hyun.

    I liked Nice Guy until it became too intense and I could never fully appreciate Jae Hee.

    I think I’m the only person who doesn’t like Eunji’s character from Answer Me 1997…something just rubs me the wrong way. I guess the point was for her to be bratty? I just felt like she had to get her way constantly and never grew up. Lost interest after a while.

    I am very excited for Cheongdamdong Alice…wish the weekends would come sooner!

    • Yeah, you should check out K2H. You honestly can’t tell Seung Gi is that much younger than Ha Ji Won. The ages of the actors never once even crossed my mind after I watched the first episode. When it was announced I thought they’d never work, but they did completely.

      • I second this. It’s really a must watch Katie! You’ll not regret watching it. Who knows? You might even be one of the HJW-LSG shippers after watching it. kyaaa

  10. Queen In Hyun’s Man’s end still makes sense and works completely for me and I loved it, though I can see how some people might not have liked it. It clicked with some and some it didn’t. It happens. Though emotionally for me K2H was my favorite of the year and not much else came close.

    I honestly wasn’t going to watch Cheongdamdong Alice, but your glowing reviews make me want to pick it up.

  11. ” I see the drama world changing in ways that annoy me, with more scripts written around product placement, location shoots, big-name stars, and trendy concepts.”

    ^This comment made me need to go back through the post to realize that there is absolutely no mention of King of Dramas anywhere in this post, because that’s kinda of what the drama is about. The current landscape of dramas and how it’s become so centralized on money rather than quality. I’m really hoping that you put this onto your list of drama’s to watch because it’s just so entertaining 🙂

    I also think you should watch SUFBB (though I guess I’m not the best judge considering I loved FBRS to bits and pieces, but yes they are two COMPLETELY different dramas and I realize that quality wise in terms of plot and script SUFBB is by far superior).

    And I just actually finished marathoning Answer me 1997 yesterday and I totally do not regret it. 16 hours of quality television <3

  12. For the love of god, try WATCHING GAKSITAL! Its the best historical drama I have ever watched, and believe me, I have watched A LOT. the history part kinda throws you off but once you start at ep 1, you will be hook! The snazzy suits joo won also makes it more enjoyable to watch. To be honest, I was skeptical at first when I firsy saw it but it immediately drawed me in. This is not your typical historic drama. Its interesting how our hero (joo won) began his journey by being a loyalist to Japan & slowly working his way up to redeem himself while his gentle best friend starts his descent into darkness. Its a story about redemption, betrayal, love, fear, and the struggle to remain in power.

  13. Dear K, just realised that I share the same view with you. Our taste for the kdrama is most alike. Fully agreed with you on your 2012 review. I love lie to me also. Keep up the writing. Cheers!

  14. hehehe i agree mostly with the best for 2012. i havent seen king2hearts. i dunno, for some weird reason…i couldnt get past episode 2 =( i’ll try again maybe next week?

    and yes, you should watch shutup flower boy band. its not perfect but just good high school drama tvN really is doing a lot of nice series =)

    • TK2H REALLY picked up after episode 4 or 5 for me. Now it’s my all-time favorite kdrama. So who knows? Maybe this time around you’ll fall in love 🙂

  15. You should take it as a compliment that people get worked up when you don’t like something. There are not a lot of quality recappers out there so there aren’t a lot of places for English speakers to talk about their favorite drama.Their dissatisfaction means you have a lot of influence.

    Please use your power responsibly. *LOLOL*

  16. I can’t even begin (well, that’s a lie since I’m writing this) to explain how much I agree with you on.. idk, EVERYTHING. I’ve been enjoying your recaps tremendously and same goes for this review. Thanks for everything and keep it up 😀

  17. No King of Dramas? Your last comments about the changing drama world make me feel like that drama would suit you. Maybe, maybe not.
    Anyway I mostly agree with your reviews and you also gave me some dramas to check out. Hope 2013 is a good year!

  18. I agree withy he moon embraces the sun! It still boggles my mind how this drama got such high ratings?!? The beginning half was good but then went downhill for me..

    I’m surprised you stuck with love rain for that long! That drama was too slow for my liking.

    Big was just a huge mess for me! Seems like the Hong sisters grew tired after writing 8 drama

  19. This was my first year of watching K-dramas so I had A LOT of catching up to do. My favorites from this year were Rooftop Prince, which I watched after getting into K-dramas with Personal Taste, TK2H, TMETS (so much love, bordering on obsession, for this!!!!), and Queen In Hyun’s Man. I liked but didn’t love Panda and Hedgehog, Nice Guy, and IDID.

    I barely tolerated Faith (despite my love for Lee Min Ho) and it wasn’t because of Kim Hee Sun (she was actually my fave character in the whole thing). I ended up skipping to the end after episode 10. I haven’t been able to finish Arang, Answer Me 1997, and TTBY (will never finish this and I LOVED Japan’s Hana Kimi). As for the dramas that are going on now, I’m into CDDA, Missing You, and CWGM?

    I also loved RMPW and it was the only J-drama I got into this year following my obsession for HYD and Hana Kimi. I started my first C-drama called Fated to Love You (it’s from 2008), but it’s so different from anything I’ve ever seen before.

    It’s been a fun ride through Asian drama-land and I can’t believe I didn’t know how awesome they can be. My obsession continues…can’t wait for next year’s selection.

  20. SO happy to see TK2H getting the love that it deserves. It will always be my show of 2012, and the first drama that truly owned my heart and soul.

    • Also, thank you SO MUCH Koala for providing this incredible community in which to discuss dramas, Korean culture, and more. I adore your writing and your blog and am incredibly grateful for all the time and energy you put into sharing your opinions so that we readers have a place to share ours.

      Also also: Have you watched any of King of Dramas? I love it and it actually reminds me a little of CA in its exploration of clawing one’s way up to the top in a competitive industry with little class mobility.


  22. Hi Ms. Koala! Enjoyed reading your year end reviews!
    Have you seen School 2013 and The King of Dramas? I think you’ll like both. 🙂

  23. Ms. Koala I love reading all of your review. They are all great, even if sometimes i don’t agree with your point of view, but I still loves to read it. Keeps up with the great works, but i wonder do you watch thai lakorn (another name for drama) at all. They have good drama too.

  24. Two dramas owned my heart this year: RMPW and Nice Guy. I loved them both passionately but in a different way.

    RMPW is like a summer love that you will always remember with huge and silly smile on your face. It was exhilarating, swoon-worthy, and the acting was pitch perfect. Hyuga and Makoto became one of my favorite OTPs of all time and I fell in love with Oguri Shun all over again.

    Nice Guy is like an intense love affair that consumes you to the exclusion of everything else. Sometimes dysfunctional (as evident by constant sleep deprivation and anxiety over the fate of it’s characters), it was also an experience that touched me to the core. I was swept away in a fictional world that made me feel too much and I don’t regret any moment of it.

    Thanks, Koala for your ever awesome playground! And here’s to another year of dramas. 🙂

  25. My favorite showd this yeat in order are
    1. K2H-crack of the year
    2.SUFBB-most perfect show of the year (I feel like this was the one show that had not one imperfect bone and to me it was an even better coming of age story than AnswerMe
    4. Arang and the Magisttaye

    • Oops my phone cut me of…
      3. Nice guy- best melodrama
      4. Arang and the Magistrate-best fantasy drama in what I like to think as the year of the fantasy drama
      5. Answer me 1997- most different show the year

  26. Rich Man Poor Woman was pretty much the only drama that did it for me this year. (I really want to watch Answer Me 1997 but I can’t find HD+subs anywhere OTL)
    I hopped on & off the Arang & Faith bandwagon pretty fast. Both of which I really wanted to love. ): I definitely agree that Arang is more suited to be marathoned though. Faith however, was just underwhelming.

    For now, School 2013 is doing magic for me. But I’d consider that a drama for next year. It even has 2013 in it’s title lol. Do give it a watch! I’d love to read your thoughts on this show. *winkwinknudgenudge*

  27. Thank you Koala for your year-end-review. I always appreciate that you take the time to create such a vibrant forum. And while I do not always agree with your perspective, I have yet, even once…to question why you wrote one thing or another.

    You EXPLAIN your thoughts pretty damn clearly …and when I read replies from *pearl-necklace clutching uber-fans* (of whatever show you’ve dissed) …I say to myself, “Where’s the reading comprehension?? She just stated precisely WHY she thought it sucked.” “She’s not demanding that you think it sucks too…it’s called critique, ya know?”

    I particularly enjoyed your countdown of *where you stopped watching* a show. I’m a mere 3 years deep into Kdrama-adiction and I’ve developed a taste (and distaste) for repeating elements:

    * I’m a sucker for the 2nd male lead. almost everytime.
    I can forgive the show not giving 2nd-guy the girl, but they can’t kill him off. (I’m giving stank-eye to you *King2Hearts*)

    * When evil-baddies get more screen time than my preferred OTP – it’s lights out. I watch for entertainment, not to create vicarious hatred. 1/3 Evil — 2/3 OTP Romance. That’s my perfect mix.

    * The middle section of almost every drama ‘wears me to the bone’. Please, oh please, Kdrama makers….make your shows SHORTERrrrrrrrr ~ 10 -12 episodes would clean up a whole lotta-messes! (sigh)

    anyway…Thanks again. (hug)

  28. I have been reading your drama recaps and you have taught me a lot. You recap with such wholeheartedness that make the drama unfold in my eyes. You make them alive that pokes my sleepy imagination. I start to on the drama’s directing, writing and actors’ acting skills.

    All I can say is “THANK YOU VERY MUCH”.

    PS. I like Full House Take 2 with No Min Woo, what do you say, Ms Koala?

  29. Thank you for this post and for your blog in general. I’m always amazed how you manage to work, take care of your family, write this blog and watch all the dramas… have you found the way how to clone yourself??? Share please!

    As for this year’s dramas, although K2H and SUFBB sucked me in and I was always impatiently waiting for the next episode, the drama I rewatch and come back to is Answer Me 1997. Not because of the main love story, but because of the general mood and of all the characters (am getting old, I guess….) I still have a soft spot for Shiwon’s dad… and for Joon Hee.
    I also have this stupid happy smile whenever I listen to the theme song from RMPW :–) That was a drama you introduced to me and I’m very grateful for that.

    Currently enjoying The King of Dramas, all scenes with Siwon are priceless!! And one gets o lot of behind-the-scenes info. Also like Can We Get Married.

    PS I didn’t like first episodes of FBRS either… but then I got used to their absurd style of story telling and I loved it, long live the plunger! :–)

  30. I like your honest opinion about all dramas that you watched this year,
    especialy TK2H and Missing You.

    With your big passion for Cheongdamdong Alice, i think i will try it for my next drama adventure ^^

  31. for me..there are 2 dramas that had captured my attention.NICE GUY and GHOST..but there is one addition..CHEONGDAMDONG ALICE on the far(EP 6) i really like the seung jo character.same goes for the adorable moon her so much..^^

  32. Answer me 1997 is absolutely lovely! I love that show!
    Now I am loving the meta upon meta that is King of Dramas. The great portrayal of school life that is School 2013.

    Thanks for the lovely editorial. It has been great reading your blog! What will we do without you Koala. : )

  33. “The entire thing came out like somene ingested the gummy bear brain fetus and let out a long and loud fart due to indigestion.” Oh my god, I nearly died laughing at this 😀 Ms. Koala you have such a great writing style and I really appreciate your frankness. You always elaborate your thoughts very well and when you make a point you don’t pull it out of your ass, you support it and can have actual meaty discussion, unlike some people who has the nerve to call other people whose thoughts they don’t like “evil minions” instead of trying to have an actual conversation and leave pathetic insults on someone’s website. Get over it whiners!

  34. I was wondering why there wasnt a SUFBB review. Go watch it!!! I just finished marathoning it after putting it off for a year, and it’s AWESOME. up there with my favourites of 2012, which include K2H and AM1997.

  35. This years hit dramas made me unsatisfied. Rooftop Prince was funny and good first episodes but I forced myseft to finished it. And King 2 Hearts, I cant watched last 4 episodes. I love leading actors espacially Ha ji won but oh my god what a disaster script. Every episode I suprised Hong sisters nonsense, then I saw Big and understood they need a vacation.
    But reply 1997 and Queen Inhyuns Man made me suprise. They are not boring and refreshing from some angle. Some parts I am amazed.
    And Japanese dramas Rich Man Poor women,Kekkon Shinai was very good. actually this year I watched old very old j-dramas and not bored a minute.

  36. Here are my takes:-
    1-Rooftop Prince- loved it! would watch it again. The secret is to fastforward almost every scene with the baddies 🙂
    2-Faith-I dunno, it was boring, despite my love for Ryu Deok Hwan. I was ready to accept Kim Hee Sun, but she has nil chemistry with Lee Min Ho, not the actors fault but the script and direction.
    3. Gaksital-love, love love. I was hesitant to pick this up because i too prefer sageuk and hate the 30s or whatever. Capital Scandal is a bore and i expected to hate Gaksital. Apparently it became something spectacular though the cat and mouse thing did get repetitive. Kudos to Joo Won and Park Ki Woong and Jin Se Yeon have excellent chemistry!
    4. TMTETS-Oh dear, what did i watch? Kim So Hyun has negative chemistry with Han Ga In!!
    5. Nice Guy- It was ok, Song Jong Ki and Moon Chae Won did alright but it was that. Nothing special to me.
    6. King2Hearts-It was ok but due to its political matter, RTP was more enjoyable for me. Lee Seung Gi is a hoot!
    7.Answer1997- Great fare and it made me cried at one point. Good drama, very fun and brought back memories (I was at the correct age for this, was 18 in 1997!)
    8.Queen In Hyun’s Man-is THE drama of 2012 for me. Oh the sleepless nights and restless days when I followed it on soompi etc. Great script, directing, even the advert breaks were cliffhangers. Chemistry went to the roof. Super awesome!
    9. AGD- What i watched were the opening scenes and the bromance. I dislike almost ALL the ladies, except Kim Jong Nan.
    10.Skip Beat!-I love the manga but this drama kills it for me. After watching this, i realised that i cannot watch a drama where the actors do not talk the same language. It seems fake so now i avoid all dramas that imported actors and wait for Japan to do their own Skip Beat.

    So there-i enjoyed 6 out of ten that i watched. Dramagods were nice to me this year i guess 🙂

  37. My top dramas which I watch all the way through: Gaksital, Faith, K2H (I didn’t like the storyline but the leads were awesome), and Arang and the Mag. I din’t watch alot of Taiwanese or J dramas this year but I am picking up Drama go go soon.

  38. What a year! Cheers to all your lovely work, you make it seems effortless but you are at least 3 superwoman in one!

    I only truly lovelovelove ILICDD of everything I’ve seen in 2012. It is flawless.

    CWGM gets better and better. I almost dropped it at where you are at, because of your exact reasons and the fact I’ve heard murmurs this is so ITWL-like. That scared me away good. But right at 5, 6 it is love for me.

  39. Favorites of 2012:
    Queen In Hyun’s Man
    Nice Guy

    Best of the Rest of 2012:
    Panda and Hedgehog
    Haeundae Lovers

    Starting off promising, too soon to judge
    Cheongdamdong Alice

    More positive than negative:
    I Need Romance 2012
    I Do, I Do
    Miss Rose

    Rooftop Prince
    Vampire Prosecutor 2

    Most Awful of 2012 (and perhaps the last several years):
    Fashion King

    Runners up to the most awful:
    May Queen
    Five Fingers

    Dropped/didn’t Finish
    A Gentleman’s Dignity
    Love Rain
    Operation Proposal
    Answer Me 1997
    Shut Up Flower Boy Band
    May Queen
    Five Fingers
    Missing You
    Can We Get Married

  40. Lin heng Xin is cute, but more than ten years younger than ruby. If I were her I might be happy at first but weirded out the rest of the time. I still want him to date her cus he’s just so cute and faithful. At least it won’t be as weird and seung Ho- eun Hye.

  41. This year has been a fantastic year in the dramaland, the biggest surprise was The King 2Hearts which gave us perfectly balanced four leads and supporting characters who were there to complement the leads, instead of being there to prolong the story / puppet characters. The script, particularly the politic plot was quite ambitious, there were many hidden meanings and Hearties on soompi, here, dc, on other blogs r amazing as they deciphered these hidden meanings which made everything made sense and made us appreciate the writers’ effort.

    So far, my favorite drama this year (not necessarily the best):
    – TK2H
    – Ghost / the Phantom (coming from IT background, some scenes in Ghost made me scratching my head, but the suspense was wonderfully done and I always on the edge of my seat watching this drama. Acting was not bad, but I wanted more Daniel Choi!)
    – Answer Me 1997 (love everything about AM1997, particularly the friendship and Shi Won’s family)
    – QIHM (the best time-traveling fantasy sageuk this year)
    – Gaksital (watched it because of Joo Won & Park Ki Woong’s bromance)
    – A Gentleman Dignity (the story is simple, I didn’t care about the love stories, I watched it for the bromance. Their friendship is very beautiful)
    – History of Salaryman (a quirky, fun drama which sealed my love for Jung Ryu Won – unfortunately the story went down the hill in the latter episodes).

    My favorite OTPs of the year: Kim Hang Ah – Lee Jae Ha (TK2H), Eun Shi Kyung – Princess Jae Shin (TK2H), Yoo Bang – Yeo Chi (History of Salaryman), Kim Boong Do – Hee Jin (QIHM), Maru – Eun Gi (NG).

    I only watched one Japanese drama, RMPW and loved it!

    At the moment I’m loving King of Dramas, Alice in Cheongdamdong & Can We get Married.

  42. Ms. Koala, put King of Dramas on your must watch list. It’s the only one that I absolutely love this year. It’ll make you cray and laugh and then laugh some more.

    Another drama that I liked this year not on your list is Ghost.

    But seriously, give KOD some love.

  43. Hey Ms. Koala!

    Even though I’m one of the silent readers of this blog, I really do appreciate your regular posts on the Asian drama world.
    I only follow one other blog apart from yours and that is written exclusively for the K-entertainment world, so I’m always happy to look up yours and read articles about Taiwanese and Chinese and even Japanese news because they are much harder to find for non Asian language speakers. So, thank you very much for that!
    Furthermore, I like that you clearly state your opinion and like/dislike of a drama without making it sound like anybody who doesn’t like/dislike that drama like you do is insane (I felt pretty intimidated on said other blog during the running of City Hunter and Gaksital and some other shows, because I happen to not like them at all; Joo Won and Lee Min Ho still have a long way to go in terms of acting ability and they’re absolutely no where near enough to make me like a drama that otherwise dissatisfies me in plot and directing).
    So, really, I hope you’re not too down because of some rude people who apparently can’t appreciate all the time and effort you put into running this blog and in giving us news on the world of Asian entertainment on a regular basis. You’re doing a great job, especially considering you’re running this blog on your own.

    Thanks for all your hard work and I hope to read many more posts from you in year 2013 as well! 🙂 Cheers!

  44. Thank you for the review. For the life of me, I could never understand your obsession with Big and admiration of Nice Guy. Both dramas made no sense to me with weak narratives and empty but twisted plots.

    Most of the dramas are now in the distant blur of repetitive conflicts and over-exploited stereotypes and I have to make an effort to even remember their names. But the ones that still tag on my heart are QIHN, TK2H, and Answer me 1997. Salary Man still makes me smile.

    Unexpectedly, I liked Faith starting in the middle; Arang was a visual treat that introduced me to a flower goat.

    I think Cheongdamdong Alice flows beautifully and is witty and sincere.

    Missing You? Fail.

  45. Love your reviews. But aww I loved Gentleman’s Dignity, especially when Jonghyun came in! Give it another try, it was one of the best drama I have ever watched. The bromance was AWESOME

  46. For me, 2012 is a good year for dramas. I have found 2 great dramas which will be my favorite of all time. The first is King 2 Hearts. I watched it because of my extreme bias for Ha Ji Won. I ended up loving the chemistry between her and my new found love Lee Seung Gi. I really liked the focus the drama has given to the sensitive topic of NK-SK reunification. This focus was beautified by the meaningful and catchy 4 main leads (Do I really need to include Bong Gu? No thanks I don’t like rotten cookies lol). What really made this join my top 10 favorites is “rareness” of it. I don’t think I can compare it to any k-dramas out there. This drama has set the benchmark of addicting, informative, romantic, etc. yet logical k-dramas for me. The second drama I liked was Nice Guy (Kang Maru’s hotness and smexily complicated character won me over. Do I need to say more?)

    The dramas that disappointed me this year were A Gentleman’s Dignity (I can’t believe I finished 20 hours of this just for the sake of my love foe writer Kim Eun Sook), Fashion King (WHIB ending with no basis, WTF), Rooftop Prince (the script was a hot mess imho), and Big (I have BIG expectations for this because of the soul-swapping premise but it turned out to be a BIG no for me).

    One unexpected win for me was To the Beautiful You. Though many didn’t like it and wrote bad reviews about it, I tried watching it. I liked it very much because of the really cute and cuddly Cha Eun Gyul (Lee Hyun Woo). My only complaint was the lack of the main girl lead’s motivating factor to having flew to Korea and help Tae Joon. Waeeee, lead girl, waeee?

    I really had so much fun with K-dramas this year. Thank you Ms. Koala for making my K-drama world (2012) extra special (for also liking TK2H and Nice Guy). It’s the first time that we had similar views on dramas.


    BEST DRAMA OF THE YEAR!!! It was so gripping, intense, suspenseful and the action was beautifully directed. I really really recommend you try a few episodes, because at the start, yes Joo Won’s character is not appealing at all, but that’s how its meant to be. Its so hard to describe just how great this drama is, but character development is one of its biggest jewels, and combined with the mind-blowing acting….I JUST..I CANT…I DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN. JUST GIVE IT A SHOT!!!!!!

  48. My List of the Year:
    – lucky seven : love interaction of 7, specially jun and eita.
    – Wild Romance : one of my favorite drama of the year, I love lee si young since then.
    – kagehiya : one of best written jdorama of the year, ohno was such an excellent actor.
    – Queen in hyun’s man : love their chemistry, story was believable and full of cuteness and sweetness.
    – i do, i do : watched it cause lee ja woong, I enjoyed it but kinda dissappointed in the end, not really great drama after all…
    – bridal mask : great drama, awesome directing and cinematography, incredible acting from both lead male, watched it first because joowon but later park ki woong stole my heart!
    – Doctor X : SO COOL!!! My Most Favorite Drama Of the year and one of the best too!!! Season 2 PLEASE!!!
    – Priceless : this drama looked so simple, but for me, it is really good drama after all, one of my favorite this year.
    – Full house take 2 : #3 my most favorite drama of the year, I know it wasnt really good in terms of quality, but I enjoyed watching it until end, so much of cuteness, sweetness, and totally adore park ki woong, how incredible he is as an actor, absolutely, he is one of best korean young actor, really hope to see he can get lead male in future! I love all of three main lead, especially ManOk, one of the coolest lead female character ever!
    – May Queen : love it for first 12 ep, keep watched it until now just because changhee and inhwa, most overrated and worst drama of the year for me!
    – Miss You : unlike most all of you, it is #2 my most favorite drama of the year. For me, one of the best melodrama ever, its have new kind of story, refreshing too and not to mention how awesome acting and chemistry of all of casts! I never watched any of yochun drama before, but after watched miss you, I totally fallen in love with him which why I watched rooftop prince later. In my eyes, Miss you absolutely have very good quality as a drama, from beginning until latest ep 13, so many scene left very deep impression in my heart, the only korean drama have been done this on me!
    – The King of Drama : omg, this drama is so good, so sad that rating was very low, I really cant understand, why such great drama like this don’t liked by citizen, ckckck. Nevertheless, I still love it and one of the best korean drama of the year!

  49. I didn’t see History of Salaryman here, and truly, I LOVED IT! It’s by far the most quirky Kdrama I’ve ever seen, though towards the end I had to shut down some logics…(but by now I’m used to doing that with most Kdramas…) I’ve heard so many good things about I live in Cheongdamdong, but lost hope at it ever being subbed… Other than that, GO WATCH SUFB! It’s NOTHING like Flowerboy Ramyun shop, thank goodness! (I dropped that one only after watching the 1st epi, it put such bad taste in my mouth)

  50. Watch Shut Up Flower Boy Band Koala! I marathon watched the sucker a month ago and I was pleasantly surprised at how the drama unfolded. It’s good…really good.

    I enjoyed:
    *King 2 Hearts (I discovered LSG!
    *Take Care of Us Captain (I discovered Ji Jin Hee!)
    *Arang and the Magistrate (Hehe…Yoo Seung Ho, Shin Min Ah and Lee Jun Ki!)
    *The first few episodes of Rooftop Prince…the story fell flat in the end.
    *A Gentleman’s Dignity (Err…aging Jang Dong Gun uhm…hmm ouch and fresh looking Kim Ha Neul!)
    *Nice Guy (I have no objection if this drama cleans up during awards season…it was riveting)
    *Ghost (So Ji Sub’s glaring’ piercing stares were a sight to behold…it looked like his face was perpetually catatonic) I liked how hard they tried to be ultra techie but ultimately settled into regular kdrama fare.
    *The first few episodes of Five Fingers (I was so curious at how JJH would be like after the military and his whole brouhaha, He was great but the story was so – so.

    I’m watching IMY (because of YEH) and Cheongdamdong Alice but not totally falling for them…

  51. I just want to say thank you for all your hard work in recapping dramas and bringing us drama related news as well. It’s my first year in drama watching and y our site and a few others really enhance the drama watching experience 🙂

  52. I also think you must watch Gaksital, Unnie. But i am not sure about Flower boy Band, cuz it has some darkness in its atmosphere which i didnt expect so it didnt taste (just watched 4 ep) . 😀 I wish their (gaksital and flower boy band) comments were reversed:D

  53. Ahh I do dearly wish that you would try out Gaksital! <3 Maybe it's my love for Joo-Won and heroic stories but if only…

    But I'm super happy you're going to watch Shut Up Flower Boy Band!! It's honestly one of my all-time favorites and I can't wait to read your review on it. c: The boys' bromance and journey together really touches deep inside my heart and I can connect to it so well. Ahhh good memories. <3 🙂

    Anyways, thank you for all your hard work Mrs. Koala! 🙂 You work so hard on the playground and I just wanted to let you know I truly appreciate it. You're super awesome and make my day everyday. 😀 <3 Here's to 2013!

  54. To be honest, I can’t say I agree your reviews. A gentilman’s dignity, I miss you, the moon that embraces the sun, roptoop prince they are the best ones.

  55. Shame about Gaksital, you should definitely give it a try, it’s such a great drama that I always recommend it because I don’t want people to miss out!! Plus, it had Park Ki Woong who gave one of the best performances in 2012!:)

  56. I Miss You/ Missing You
    Oh scriptwriter, scriptwriter, how could you write so well at first cast such perfect leads and still have it all implode.

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