
Yang Zi and Zhu Yi Long Wins 2023 Weibo Night Queen and King as the C-stars Put on the First Red Carpet Party of the New Year — 76 Comments

  1. I don’t remember the last time someone was so mocked for winning King and Queen as these two.

    I would like to thank Weibo for all the laughs they have provided me with by making this choice.

    • They are worthy of the awards. Both are wonderful in their field of work. Maybe others might not see it but the people at Weibo see it. Lol probably why it’s called Weibo King and Queen, not random people King and Queen.

      • Lilth, Zhu Yilong and Hu Ge have rivailry? why?? Hu Ge is senior in industry before Zhu Yilong debut.Is there more then 1 Zhu Yilong?

      • @HL

        No, it’s the same ZYL, she is right. He is notorious in the film industry, has incredible backing but recently things have not been going well for him after the incident with the Shanghai circle.

      • @ Nope

        Can you please explain more about the Shanghai’s circle and the rivalry between ZYL & HG? Thanks!

      • @HL ZYL has always been very competitive. During the first couple of years when he had just gained some popularity with Guardian, his team sees every young actor as rivals. Then when he moved on to the movie circle, his team started guarding against the older actors too. C-netz bestowed him with this phrase “上防九十九,下防刚会走。” which means he guards against everyone from kids who just learnt how to walk to the elderly below 99 years old, when he guarded against his young co-star from Lighting Up the Stars.

      • @Nope, @XZF, @Lilth, Thanks for your reply…This is interesting news to me…I like Hu Ge but I feel he have left rat race too early if he still wants to be popular again… I personally am not sure if He Ge really wants to join this race again….

        I have to say, as I dont watch C-movies as much, I never knew hhe had jumped into movie land till last month…I have yet to watch his movies. Thus I am so surprise he is so popular…enough to win Weibo award.

    • Imo the most legendary mock that Yang Zi had received is still from 2019’s Weibo Night where her votes kept on increasing despite that voting had ended.

      • @Lilith

        That got brought up last night lmao

        And for him the previous problem when he was awarded king was also brought up. It really was a bad choice to accept this time.

      • @Lol I think C-netz mainly harp on Zhu Yilong being Weibo King this year because Hu Ge was Weibo King last year and everyone knows the rivalry between them is very bad.

  2. @ ockoala

    Thanks for posting this story. Please correct Zhu Yi Long’s name on your title here (instead of Ling). Why didn’t you post Xiao Zhan, Zhu Yi Long (Weibo’s King, 2023) & Wang Yi Bo’s pictures here? Congrats to all the winners even though I don’t like the idea that it seems like almost everyone is getting an award. It’s not special anymore to getting one.

    I was wondering why Zhu Yi Long was wearing a black headband & found out that he injured his head & nose while filming. That was the same reason he didn’t attend Macau’s Film Festival to receive an award.

      • @ Lilith

        Thanks for catching it in the text. I saw his name spelled Zhu Yilong & Zhu Yi Long at different places. 🤔

      • Both Zhu Yilong and Zhu Yi Long are fine since they essentially sound the same, just different spelling by ethnic Chinese from different countries though I personally try to spell according to where the celebrity is from. There was a debate about this here some time back too.

  3. That poster is telling the truth. Both of them were mocked to hell and back, over different things and they are still being mocked.

    I don’t know about them but I would never want any of my faves to get this. It’s a toxic award that has only causes trouble and especially Zhu Yilong should know this because his previous victory was so controversial, as it was obviously bought, that Weibo had to reset their entire awards system. He said yes to this, he can’t blame anyone for digging into the past.

  4. The name is Zhu Yilong. Is it a running joke to spell his name wrongly in multiple ways nowadays? LOL.

    So many beautiful dresses. My personal favourites are Liu Shishi’s and Dilraba’s.

  5. Tang Yan need a new stylist… She looks so dated…

    I love Liu Shishi dress…

    Qin Lan wore a similar design dress at Golden Globe. But she does not look as sexy as Jennifer Lopez…

  6. Is it just me…I cannot find the winner Zhu Yilong in any of the photos here? I dont recognised afew faces…Koala did not share a number of popular faces… Maybe she will post another writeup…

      • @ Koala

        She added Zhu Yi Long’s picture now, but there are no pictures of Xiao Zhan or Wang Yi Bo.

        I think Yang Mi did Botox on her lips this time. Hopefully I’m wrong about this.

        ockola certainly knows how to get people to debate. She posted the title with Weibo’s King, but not posting his picture @ 1st.

        Bai Lu’s dress is weird in the chest area. The women’s dresses are hit and miss here. Some of their 2nd outfits looked better in the show. Song Yi’s dress is my favorite. Most of the men look very nice.

      • @ HL

        Please clarify your question. Are you talking about the women’s 2nd outfits at the show. I think some of theirs 2nd outfits look better.

      • @XZF, Apology, I have dyslexia, often what I see on screen and what I have type are different, similarly, what say aloud is different from what my mind wants to express. My hubby said he has a ‘HL’ translator in his head when we speak… Especially if I did so in a hurry…

        I post this question before I learn about why Zhu Yilong is popular enough to win Weibo award. Thank you for taking time to reply to my earlier senseless question!!

  7. Yang Zi’s entire look is perfect. The dress is perfectly fitted and eye catching color. Love it. Yang Mi comes in second, and Jing Tian third.

  8. From what I see people mocking Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong on Weibo for winning are mostly fans of Xiao Zhan… Zhu Yilong had a box office hit this year and Yang Zi had a hit drama that dominated most charts and rankings, so their works were discussed a lot. Them winning Weibo King and Queen isn’t anything controversial. I think some fandoms pay too much attention to it anyway because Weibo awards aren’t big or prestigious like top 3 drama and movie awards. It’s a form of recognition but it depends on attendance so it’s not such a big deal and the artists know that themselves.

    • BJYX are Wang Yibo’s fans, not Xiao Zhan’s. It’s just Wang Yibo’s fans being sour that Wang Yibo lost to Zhu Yilong since both of them released movies last year, but as usual they will don on Xiao Zhan’s photo for their profile pic and pretend to be XFX.

      • Xiao Zhan’s fans hate for Yang Zi is well known, they were throwing mud at her for all 2023 because both Xiao Zhan and her had dramas on Tencent, so Xiao Zhan’s fans accused that Tencent helped her to water data for her drama but it makes no sense. Lost you Forever already exceeded 50M per episode during broadcasting. As for Xiao Zhan’s fans hating Yang Zi, you can see the example in the answers to my comment, I didn’t attack Xiao Zhan and only mentioned his fans, but they already make personal attacks on Yang Zi. Xiao Zhan also has upcoming movie so Xiao Zhan’s fans already treat Zhu Yilong as his rival. Fanwars aren’t uncommon but some fandoms always try to act innocent and it’s quite funny. It’s not like people have no access to Weibo and don’t see what’s going on.

      • made it sound like most of the people talking about that drama’s data manipulation are XZ’s fans when it’s actually the whole C-ent. As usual, every bad thing gets thrown onto XFXs and only XFXs gets highlighted. I’m pretty sure XZ’s fans don’t care to compete with ZYL either as they knew they can’t compete against his strong backings. If anything, it’s ZYL’s fans who sees XZ as a potential rival again due to XZ’s upcoming movie.

    • Aw, you just can’t live unless you try to throw dirt on Xiao Zhan. Is your 800 million queen unhappy she can’t tie him up with this win because she can’t leech off Zhu Yilong as she has been doing for years now from Xiao Zhan? It would be better for her to concentrate more on why her dramas can’t pass 0.1 TV ratings while supposedly amazing web hits and less on him.

      Xiao Zhan fans celebrated he wasn’t King, they don’t want anything to do with this mess.

      • Sis you are already becoming boring with the same narrative 🥱🥱. Pls can you say something new. Everywhere yangzi you’re always writing 800 million queen or how her dramas can’t pass 0.1 TV ratings, saying all these without proof whatsoever. I know you are an anti but you don’t have to be, stick to your fave cause being an anti can bring you depression. She won it end of story move on with your life🙄🙄. P S we all know not all the dramas of an actress can be successful but to say that all her dramas did that bad is just talking without sense😂😂. And if that’s the case why wouldn’t more than half of her upcoming dramas still air on tv if she can’t deliver 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

      • Listen, I didn’t attack Xiao Zhan, only mentioned his fans and that’s the fact. Your comment here proves that you hate Yang Zi. She’s a big star, Xiao Zhan’s senior with long and successful career, she doesn’t need to leech on anyone, Xiao Zhan, Zhu Yilong or anyone else. 2023 was especially great for her and no one can deny it.

      • @Imo

        Yes, she is such a big star that idol dramas are the only thing she can get after all these years and such an illustrious career.

        For her last drama she leeched so much from pretty much everyone that there isn’t a single person who doesn’t know what she did this summer. There wasn’t a well known actor or actress she didn’t tie up on Weibo to leech data. If she were so successful and popular she wouldn’t need to do any of that.

        She is so successful that her three tv dramas, you know, the thing where you can’t buy data like you can for web, scored an amazing 0.1 in ratings.

        Nobody is upset with her winning Weibo Queen. It’s the highest honor for her after all so everyone is very understanding. Just please stop tying up other people.

      • @Darkangel

        You do realise TV ratings are public knowledge, right? Is this something beyond your comprehension?

        She is called the 0.1 queen because not one but three of her dramas had that rating.

    • Why are people mocking them, especially yang zi? She had arguably the best drama out this year! Well deserved in my opinion…

      • That’s sad but some fans can’t let Yang Zi go after she cooperated with their idol once… Since that time they always accuse her of leeching on their idol so I guess they’re envious seeing her with Weibo Queen award. A successful actress like her doesn’t need any men to support her career. The actors benefit from working with her not the other way around but not everyone is ready to admit that.

    • Sis they’ve been throwing mud at her for 4 years now, it’s so sad to see why they just hate her for a reason, slut shaming, death threats, and so many others. Makes one to take pity on any XZ co actors. WYB is the most hated followed by YZ

      • Their misogyny is shocking, most of those fans are also women but they hate on the other woman, make disgusting rumors and try to belittle her career all the time. It’s not so easy to be an actress in c-ent, women really have to put so much effort while men usually can get traffic from a single work. What Yang Zi even did wrong? Nothing, she just happened to work with their idol in the past. Her drama with Xiao Zhan isn’t even her most successful work as well, she had Immortal Samsara after all in 2022. What leeching? That’s very unfair, Yang Zi didn’t build her career for years to be accused like that. It’s true that Yang Zi isn’t the only one targeted by that fandom and it shows how toxic they are. They’re also attacking Zhang Jingyi who is their idol’s next co-actress, it’s scary that everyone who works with him is sharing the same fate.

      • Ah..Yang Zi’s fans playing the victim card again, I fell for this a few years back then but not anymore. I won’t forget the nasty sl*tshaming and hate they did to fellow women like Dilraba, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying. And don’t spew lies, I see both XZ and ZJY’s fandoms being friendly with each other right now, no sane fandom will fight before their drama airs. Back then, I saw XZ’s fans defending Yang Zi right until they got backstabbed by her fandom, they had also defended Ren Min as much as they could. Right now, I only see shady accounts pretending to be fans kept trying to spark a fight between XZ and ZJY’s fandoms.

      • @Lilith I don’t know where you got your theories from, but Yang Zi and Yangmi fandoms have been at peace and love each other, we don’t have beef with ZLY, and fro DLRB, her fans are really wonderful in muddling in YZ’s business and even endorsements, and what nonsense about zimis backstabbing XiaoZhan, lmao😂😂, they been at her neck since 2019 and you talk about backstabbing??

      • Yeah right 🙄 Let’s pretend you all didn’t mock any of those actresses on Weibo and other forums. What do you mean since 2019? Everything went well until 2020 where Yang Zi’s fans had randomly started claiming that XZ was simping for Yang Zi just because XZ was gentlemanly enough to help pick up the ends of her super long dress after Yang Zi asked him to help? Face it, Yang Zi’s fans were unhappy that XZ had shot up to the top of popularity charts way before TOOL aired so they couldn’t use him to support their idol’s carefully concocted reputation about being a husband maker.

  9. Seeing Bai Lu and Chen Zhe Yuan next to each other did something to me. Idk why but I feel like they would have amazing chemistry in a quieter role that highlights their talents–maybe in a slice-of-life romance drama a la Meet Yourself.

    Make this happen for me, specifically, Cdrama gods!!!

  10. Everyone looks kinda frumpy or normal with exception to Liu Shi Shi, Qin Lan, and the girl in green/yellow neon dress. Even the boys look rather plain or ugly…

  11. @Lol
    Leeching is one of the most stupid things antis say about her all the time😂😂, sad asses, but you still haven’t answered my question on why 2 out of her 4 dramas this year would be aired on tv if she had such horrible results on TV. Nothing much I can say to you cause I’ve noticed you always speak ad about her. Worst fact is that you might be a woman, which is so sad instead of you to support your gender since it is hard for women in the entertainment industry instead you join hands to spread fake news and bring her down.
    Now to clarify your fake info in which anyone can check, she has more than 3 tv dramas in which most have been toppers even in their prime times, you come here telling me that it so available online, I guess your eyes only see what you want to see online. Even her end of the year performance are always the highest for females in her network

    I’m too lazy to argue with you, but I just don’t want people to be fooled by your lies. Anyone can check online and see for themselves. Which 0.1?? Isn’t that how you guys were also fooled by false info on her variety show last year, giving fake ratings when it hadn’t even been broadcast and then few days later when it was broadcast had one of the best ratings. I think you need to get your eyes, heart and brain cleaned 😂😂

    • I don’t mind YZ, she is ok but the 0.1 is correct. It’s a running joke in China that not counting Oath of love, her three dramas dropped to 0.1 ratings by the end of the broadcast. In fact, one was 0.08, it was so low netizens made jokes by drawing pictures on the ratings graphs.

      You can defend her in other ways but the ratings thing is pretty well known and as I said, OOL had 0.6 which was much better. She gets TV because it’s satellite, it’s not that difficult in China. Maybe that new drama will do better, the Fan CC one but she did have 3 that ended really low.

      • Babe I think you need to understand TV satellites chassis. While CCTV chassis are 2 percent.
        – Dragon TV are one percent
        🥭 TV 0.5 percent now
        – jiangsu & zj around 0,3 percent

        So now to support your claim you have to be specific on the TV satellite 🤷🏽‍♀️

    • His films are box office hit,and he won best actor award,while hu ge movie tank.besides back then before hu ge annouce his marriage and child,netizens thought it was zhu yilong,so their fans do not get along.

  12. Congratulations to Zhu Yi Long who not only won as Weibo King but As Quality Filmmaker of the Year. Also his movies Lost in the Stars (3.5 billion box office) and Only the River Flows (which compited in Cannes Uncertain Regard category and participated in over thirty international film festivals) were also awarded.
    I’m so happy to see him smiling and looking great even if he’s still recovering from severe injuries he suffered while filming his current movie. I wish he has some rest because he’s working nonstop lately but I guess rest will have to wait as he’s currently in Paris for Fashion Week! I’m sure he’s looks will rock as always

  13. Ah two of the C actors I dislike won the titles! Whatever! That won’t persuade me to watch their dramas or films anyhow. It’s irrelevant. LOL. Wish C-ent could produce dramas worth more attention than celebrities’ wardrobes. LOL.

  14. Lol the 2 nastiest fandoms in C-ent fighting here – YZ and XZ.

    I don’t think anyone should be begrudge YZ for getting queen. It’s an internally decided award and she’s Weibo’s VVVVIP customer with the number of hot searches she buys. Weibo needs people like her to fend off douyin and XHS. She also had the biggest online drama last year, water or not.

    I love these awards shows, some of the dresses are lovely – I actually love Jing Tian’s outfit, she’s the prettiest for me and her skin is alabaster white, you get to see the celebrities real faces vs their heavily photoshopped photos ( Jin Chen’s face is already collapsing, YZ is next) and the mens’ real heights. Lol even Zhang Yimou wore platforms. Anyway Zhang Yimou got a whole night of promotions for his new movie just by showing up, that’s brilliantly cost efficient marketing.

    • Saddd, with all your conspiracy theories but can’t provide proof, anyways your hate is not affecting YZ and she keeps thriving, I hope you focus on your fav instead of spreading hate everywhere

  15. I would be surprised if there was peace and harmony here but I guessed right and expected it! Lol full scale war of words between fandoms on here. Y’all need to get a life! It’s funny and pretty sad at the same time now.

  16. I chuckled reading all the accusations about ZYL’s backing. I’d say: WELCOME, PLEASE BRING ON ALL THE BACKINGS AND THOSE RESOURCES!

    He’s been in the industry very long, has always been a good actor, but only got famous after Guardian. After his catapultion to stardom he remains a relatively humble person, never fails to send birthday wish to Yang Rong (his long time friend who’s not as lucky as him in terms of career, despite being equally talented).

    • You won’t be yelling bring it on when karma finally hits him for all the horrible things he has done. Just don’t come here crying.

      • Did he kill someone or is indecent somehow? what horrible things are these? lol I wanna hear because if he’s done such horrible things, then no he shouldn’t win anything and Weibo is definitely not a reliable company to reward Chinese celebrities. Right?

  17. Didn’t know who Zhu Yi Long was. Then after Koala’s article, watched Lighting up the Stars. He is a fantastic actor and looks alot like a young Tony Leung, Leung Chiu Wai.

  18. I’m very certain that fans of celebrities can not be mentally healthy People at all
    I spend time on here, on Twitter and see only ill madness and nothing else coming from fans

  19. Photos of C-Ent red carpet events should carry a trigger warning: “WARNING: K-ENT RED CARPET VIEWERS- THE FOLLOWING IMAGES MAY SHOCK, THEY CONTAIN BRIGHT COLORS”

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