Sliding Scale of When Lead Onscreen Chemistry Saves or Sinks Preposterously Plotted K-dramas

Four episodes into watching K-drama The King: Eternal Monarch and it’s a steady stream of “buh” and “huh” and “snooze…..” The story may be disjointed but there have been way worse written K-dramas that have worked better thanks to the onscreen romantic chemistry of the leads – not talking about acting ability, just whether the two leads make the viewer believe they are mere seconds away from boning if the camera wasn’t there. The leads of The King don’t just have no chemistry, they might have negative chemistry like two same sided magnets pushing off each other. I thought to make my list of when there has been a stupid/far-fetched,/preposterous/fantasy K-dramas and whether chemistry made it work. This isn’t about a well-written or substantive K-dramas as that can allow the story and directing to keep the interest and carry the day. This is about when everything is actually quite stupid but viewers love it because the leads sell it. Here goes!

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You From Another Star, Heirs, and Decendents of the Sun Take Top Three Rank in Most Popular K-dramas in China

With the conclusion of Descendants of the Sun it’s a perfect time to check in with the popularity of K-dramas in China and see where this newest ratings breaker resides. Polling website Vlinkage just released the Top 30 Most Popular … Continue reading

A Koala Reminisces: 2011 Year End Drama Reviews

Going into this year end review, I wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic as I was last year. I can’t pinpoint why, other than perhaps I simply wrote so much I wore myself out. All my drama writing in the 365 days … Continue reading